ISSN: 2603-5820

Educational Research Journal 2017, Vol 2 n. 1;

DOI: 10.29314/mlser.v2i1.30


Celia Menéndez-Hernández, Leticia Concepción Velasco-Martínez, Juan Carlos Tójar-Hurtado

University of Málaga
Receipt date: 11/20/2017 / Review date: 11/21/2017 / Acceptance date: 4/5/2018


Introduction.This article evaluates an addiction and drug addiction prevention program. The evaluated program is “Entre Todos” (Proyecto Hombre Association, 2000) which was developed in 2017 with a sample of 135 5th and 6th grade students from every school located in Torrox (Málaga, Spain). Method. The design of this evaluative research was mixed, combined with a qualitative methodology -through interviews and observation and a quantitative methodology, through surveys. In addition to the students’ sample, 5 teachers took part in the evaluation, who collaborated with the program’s development. The research’s objective was to evaluate the quality of the program and to determine possible improvement areas for the future. The quantitative data was analyzed in a descriptive way (frequencies and percentages). The qualitative data was subject to a content analysis. Results. The results allowed to evaluate the program’s design, execution and resources, aiming at identifying the strategies that allow to better meet the detected needs and better adapt to the program’s addressees. Discussion. Apart from evaluating the program, detecting some weaknesses as well as areas for improvement, it is concluded that implementing and evaluating projects like this one is key. The fact of working with families and the attention to the integral personal development are essential in preventions programs aimed at adolescents.
Keywords: Training on drugs, Addictive behavior, Prevention, Elementary School Students, Adolescent behavior


The drug addiction phenomenon constitutes a social concern due to a series of factors as: increase in consumers, starting age, emergence of new addictions, greater availability of new substances, existence of a culture that favors their consumption, the enormous cash movements in that world and the crisis of values that is present in our society (Escámez, 1990).

The Proyecto Hombre Association, from a clearly stated philosophy, has worked and adapted diverse therapeutic programs to the demands of a changing society in accordance with its cultural, political, economic situation, and so on. Its intervention proposals have evolved from the exclusive therapeutic care in centers to the development of prevention programs in educational centers. Bearing in mind the existing relationship between the prevention models and the needs (Sierra, Saldarriaga, Benítez, & Olarte, 2017), new programs (Jiménez-Iglesias, Rodríguez, Oliva Delgado & Ramos Valverde, 2010) have been appearing with the objective of acting as prevention through socio-educational interventions in schools and educational institutions.

‘Entre Todos’ is a school and family program aimed at the prevention of consuming drugs, including other kinds of addictions. As KornBlit, Camarotti & Di Leo (2010) state, “we include from addictions to activities, not only substances, since the behavior pattern that is established with drugs can also be seen in relation to other activities” (p.9)

The evaluation and collection of data were made ad hoc, taking advantage of the program’s implementation made by the Proyecto Hombre Association, in March and April 2017 and it was focused on 5th and 6thgrade students from the 5 Elementary Schools located in Torrox (Malaga). This town has more than 15 000 inhabitants (INE, 2016) and it is located in Costa del Sol, Malaga, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sierra de Almijara. The schools are CEIP Los Llanos, CEIP El Morche, CEIP Mare Nostrum, CEIP El Faro and CEIP Colina del Sol. Four sessions in the classroom were made with the school’s students and one session with the students’ families. The sessions with the students lasted for 3 hours and the session with the students’ families took place after school, for 2 hours.

With this research, the aim was to value the design and its implementation in order to identify the strategies that best adjust to the detected needs, and which best adapt to the program’s target audience (Tejedor, 2000).

For the purpose of justifying the contents that constitute this research’s basis, the main elements of the theoretical framework are described below.

Young people and addictions

The program's audience and those who take part in this research are young people aged between 10 and 13. In accordance with Palacios, Marchesi & Coll (2009), this range of ages correspond to the preadolescence, during which there is a great advance regarding the construction of the self and important changes in their judgments related to themselves. Likewise, such authors indicate that adolescence is a period during which big changes take place in psychological, sexual and social aspects occurring from 12 to 18 years old.

As well, it must be taken into account that adolescence comes with an increase in stress, due to the challenges, biological and physical changes that are related to the puberty, consequently triggering an emotional, cognitive and social disorder. On top of that, academic pressures, acceptance of the new physical image, increase in autonomy, group acceptance, etc. can create strong stress in adolescence (Calvete & Estévez, 2009).

For this is a vulnerable collective, acquisition of new tools to cope with the problematics or changes of their age is determining. This can make a difference, that is: ending in an addiction or not. Addiction is defined as “...a dependence from a substance, activity or relationship that takes the addicted person away from everyone else surrounding him”. (Castillo, 2011, p. 26).

As Castillo (2011) says, there is a difference between the consumerist influences or habits and an addiction. The main characteristic of the latter is whether a dependence exists, consequently causing severe consequences in real life. Many kinds of addictions exist: addiction to psychotropic substances or to a specific behavior.

Bukoski (1995, cited in Pinazo & Ferrer, 2001) signaled that there are four levels related to the risk factors of abusive consumption of drugs during adolescence. Individual factors, such as early consumption of drugs, low self-acceptance, an inadequate social network, etc. Another group are the family factors, including lack of a comfortable environment or the use of drugs made by the parents. Within social factors, Muñoz, Sandstede & Klimenko (2016) state that the educational center may be a socialization place favorable to start consuming drugs. Also, the factors related to the group of peers or classmates can be a pressuring source and social influence regarding decision-making. Finally, community factors, with issues like social exclusion, stress or sociocultural rules.

In addition, there are protective factors that are the elements that allow people to opt for non-related drug addiction behaviors or options, and that are considered healthy. These factors compensate for the Risk Factors. (Castillo, 2011).

The educational process and the institutions in charge of it must boost and consolidate the acquisition of habits, values, attitudes and abilities geared towards having a healthy lifestyle from an early age. This allows to develop aptitudes and knowledge that consolidate autonomous people, capable of withstanding the group's pressure so that addictions in the adult population are reduced in the future. (Escámez, 1990).

Due to the early origin of the problem, it is essential to identify the involved risk factors to establish preventive programs or strategies. (Calvete & Estévez, 2009).

Drug Prevention

Drug addiction prevention is understood as, in accordance with Martín (1995):

An active process of initiatives’ implementation aimed at modifying and improving the integral development and quality of individuals, by enhancing the individual self-control and the collective resistance to the drug offer. (p. 55)

To complete this definition, Becoña, Rodríguez & Salazar (1995) add that “a prevention program is a set of actions whose main objective is to prevent the problem that the program is preventing from appearing” (p.23)

When talking about drug addiction prevention, it must be highlighted that such programs are basically focused on legal drugs prevention, together with marijuana in some cases. Illegal drugs are not usually included, since their consumption during adolescence is sporadic and affect few people (Becoña, Rodríguez & Salazar, 19995). Such is the case of the program considered in this research.

Calafat (2000) noted that diverse types of distinctions can be made when dealing with prevention: specific and nonspecific.

Specific prevention is any action that tries to influence in a clear, concrete and explicit manner in the use of drugs. On the contrary, the nonespecific prevention tries to alter consumption indirectly, through programs, actions or environments that are supposedly not at all connected with the use of drugs. (p. 90)

Caplan (1980, cited in Becoña, Rodríguez & Slazar, 1995) noted that there are three kinds of prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Primary intervention aims to avoid the problem before interventions are made. Secondary prevention tries to intervene as soon as possible in order to improve the problem. The objective of tertiary prevention is to stop or delay the problem’s evolution at the onset of the first symptoms, such as the physical, psychological and social consequences.

Another classification proposal is made from the contextualization: Current, which adapts to the moment, universal, aimed at all populations, selective, aimed at a group of adolescents that are considered to be at risk, and indicated, destined to a concrete group of risk or in which some of them are already consumers (Castillo, 2011).

The educational centers can be the ideal context to carry out a preventive education in addictions or substance use, mainly for the following reasons: access to boys and girls aged between 4 and 16 is easy since education is compulsory at such ages. These are evolution periods where there is a greater responsiveness to learning and in which healthy lifestyle habits are acquired. The school context also has available greatly qualified professionals from the pedagogical point of view (Jiménez-Iglesias, Rodríguez, Oliva y Ramos, 2010).

‘Entre Todos’ Program

The ‘Entre Todos’ program (equivalent to ‘All together’ in English) is based on another prevention program called ‘Construyendo Salud’ (equivalent to ‘Building Health’ in English). The latter is within “...a universal intervention, aimed at preventing the drug consumption and the implication in other kind of problematic behaviors in the beginning of adolescence” (Gómez Fraguela, Luengo, Romero & Villar, 2003, p. 185). The following modifications were made on this program: 1) implementation of a subprogram for the families, 2) giving the Prevention Program a supervision strategy and an extension of the subjects within the Didactic Units.

Subjects of ‘Entre Todos’ are divided into didactic units: Information (tobacco, alcohol and cannabis); Self-esteem (self-esteem and self-improvement); Decision-making (decision-making, independent thinking and advertisement); Cognitive strategies (attributional style, actions and effects); Emotional control, Social abilities (communication and social abilities, assertiveness); Values (personal, family and mass media). Tolerance and cooperation and leisure activities (Proyecto Hombre Association, 2000).

Its target audience is the Elementary School students. Materials used are these ones: the student’s handbook and an informative booklet for the family. Regarding the methodology used with the students inside the classroom, there are activities like role-playing, surveys, polls, debates, moral dilemmas, brainstorming and analysis of ads (Proyecto Hombre Association, 2000).

This research’s objective was to evaluate the project’s quality, considering its design and implementation in the frame of reference. The program’s design was evaluated by analyzing the adequacy level between what was planned and what was executed as it was planned, in order to include changes and improvements in future uses of the program. Hence, design’s evaluation consisted of “a review of every component of the program (personal, functional and material) in the interactive dimension: quality of the activities, time and work distribution, use of resources, etc.” (Tejedor, 2000, p.327). As to prove the program’s relevance and suitability, the participant observation was used to know the achievement degree of the program’s objectives. In order to do so, interviews and questionnaires are used to know the perception and opinion of those involved in the project (teachers and students) about the design and development of the program in the classrooms.



In this study, the evaluative programs research takes a relevant place:

The evaluative research “is a research method that implies a rigorous, controlled and systematic process of reliable and valid information collection and analysis to make decisions about an educational program” (Tejedor, 2000, p.320).

Pérez Juste (2000) considers that programs’ evaluation is

...a methodological activity, that admits [...] the reflective, ordinary action of every teacher or educator in relation to his program, understood as a plan serving the achievement of the educational goals, and another one carried out by experts through the strict implementation of different kind of methodologies and scopes, aimed at the evaluation of social intervention programs and projects -in education, training, health, leisure, employment with a great extension, complexity and duration (p.266).

Pérez, Mejía & Becoña (2015) note that, taking into consideration the history of prevention programs and policies, it is necessary to acknowledge methods that help evidence, analysis and evaluation, that allow the learn from achievements and mistakes, to bear in mind the adequacy of programs to the needs and characteristics of every environment, taking into consideration the use of certain strategies in each program.

From this perspective, as it has been aforementioned, the programs’ evaluation is not a timely act by itself, but instead, we need to understand it as a process. This evaluative process must be intimately related to the program’s planning and programming, hence being able to have a constant feedback (Hernández & Martínez, 1996). In this sense, in this proposal, same as other authors do (Stufflebeam, Pérez Juste, Caride, among others) the evaluation process can be divided into four moments or evaluation types:

This kind of evaluation has turned into a classic over the years (Stufflebeam & Shinkfield, 1897). For these authors, the evaluation of a program should begin with an evaluation of the future implementation context, a design’s evaluation or the program’s planning before its execution, an evaluation of the process during its implementation and an evaluation of the product or of the results caused by its development. In this regard, this proposal has just only been focused on the programing’s design processes and its development for it is part of a pilot study that aims to explore and understand the elements favoring success in its implementation.

These program’s evaluation process has to be conceived as a research strategy on educational processes. The results obtained in these researches should be supported by suggested patterns to guide the creation of intervention programs. Such is the reason why intervention and research complement each other. Intervention takes advantage of research as long as it comes to a solution for the practical problems thanks to it (Tejedor, 2000).

With that in mind, a mixed research has been conducted, combining the qualitative part through the use of interviews, observation, etc and another part that is quantitative, from the use of questionnaires. Data obtained are narrative and descriptive, and pursue the objective of bringing information about what the teaching staff and the students think of the prevention program we are evaluating. In this respect, in accordance with Cook & Reichardt (1986), it states a series of reasons that support the use of a mixed research methodology:

...When the evaluation problems are dealt with the most adequate tools that are accessible, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods will be used. Firstly, the evaluative research has commonly multiple purposes that need to be addressed under the most demanding conditions. Such a variety of conditions often requires a variety of methods. Secondly, when used in combination and with the same purpose, both methods can invigorate each other in a way that gives us perceptions none of them could be capable of separately. Thirdly, since no method is free from prejudices, one can only reach the underlying truth by using multiple techniques which will be used by the researcher to do the corresponding triangulations. (p.11)


Samples on which the data collection has been focused are:

First of all, n1= 5 teachers, from the Elementary Schools of Torrox, aged between 30 and 40 (4 women and 1 man). Sampling type was intentional: the teaching staff was chosen according to their teaching experience and for they know about the “Entre Todos” program.

Secondly, n2 = 135 students from such schools. 5th and 6th grade students were aged between 10 and 13. 56.7% of the sample were males and 43.3% were females. The sample means the group of young people between that range of ages, schooled and living in the town of Torrox.


people between that range of ages, schooled and living in the town of Torrox.


Three main tools were employed for data collection: participant observation, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires.

The participant observation was developed in parallel to the program’s development. Furthermore, observation resulted in a great usefulness when doing the interviews and answering the questionnaires, thus, it constituted an efficient support to analyze and evaluate the information obtained.

The participant observation is the process that empowers researchers to learn about the activities of the people subject of study and their environment, at the same time. This is done through observation and by taking part in their activities. It provides the context for developing sampling guidelines and interviews' samples (DeWalt & DeWalt, 2002).

Observation was focused on knowing the implementation process of the programs in the classroom during the sessions that were set in the planning. To this effect, the following checklist containing the observation’s dimensions and indicators was made:

Table 1.

Observation's indicators about the program's development



Program's scope

Courses where the program was implemented

Student's average percentage attendance


Total number of activities implemented

Number of activities by content block

Inclusion of some activities

Elimination of some activities

Modification of some activities

Total number of activities successfully completed

Meeting moments


(Space-time coordinates)

Number of designated sessions/number of performed sessions

Number of planned spaces/number of used spaces

Frequency of use

Number of activities performed in the scheduled time

Decrease/increase in the time scheduled for the activities

Activities started on time

Finalization on time


Adequacy of resources regarding participants

Number of designated resources/number of used resources

Frequency of use


Number of used methodological strategies (variety)

The methodology favored active participation

Obstacles and contingencies

The attitude of those involved was the one expected

The center was predisposed to the implementation

The center's organizational structure allowed the implementation

Possible adaptation in human resources, materials, length, activities and audience were foreseen

4 women were subjected to 5 semi-structured interviews as well as one man, each interview lasting for 30 minutes approximately. Open-ended questions were raised with the objective of knowing their opinion as professionals about the implementation of the program in their classrooms. Through the interviews, the aim was to take a step forward and make a more complete evaluation of the constituent element of the program (program’s design). To do so, a category system was developed using a mixed categorization system through deductive categories, that derived from the program’s design and ad hoc categories (inductive) made from the own participant observation of the intervention program's development. So categories were obtained through the development of the program’s design phases and implementation. At first, certain dimensions were established, which were used as precatgories, to make the categories that would make up that interview (Figure 1).

Table 2 details the dimensions and pre-categories present at the study that allowed the drafting of the interview’s script.

Table 2.

Categories system for the program’s evaluation



Program structure




Resources and materials


Program planning

Adequacy to the context's characteristics and needs

Obstacles' and contingencies' control in the program

Availabilityy of the center's structural elements

Foresight of adaptations to the program

Program's satisfaction


Interactive participation


Uses of time

Acquisition of knowledge

From the analysis of the program’s design and the data collected in the participant observation, the category system was made, which allowed to write the answers that made up the interview’s script:

Questionnaires are the quantitative part of the research. The questionnaire used was handed in by the Proyecto Hombre Association and is organized in three parts, which allowed to evaluate this program’s design. 135 were used with students aged between 10 and 13. The main purpose was to know the students’ vision about the program's design and its implementation and efficacy. Questionnaires had an open-ended questions part and close-ended questions.

The questionnaire contains a first part that includes the age and gender variables and the motivation degree to take part in the program.

In the second part, 14 items were included, divided into “Quality of service” (items 1-9) and “Prevention team” (items 10-14). Items, included below, had the following score: 1= No; 2= Yes, partly; 3= Yes, generally; 4=Yes, totally. Some of the items were not adapted to the sample, so it was necessary to explain their meaning during the questionnaire until it was clear that the person understood the meaning of every question.

The last part of the questionnaire included an open-ended question in which comments, suggestions, improvements, etc could be added. In this space, students could give their opinion about the different aspects of the program that they would improve.

Data analysis

The qualitative analysis of the interviews was made using the categories and subcategories classification. The presence and concurrence of the categories were considered to highlight the most substantive interpretation aspects among the interviewees. Text fragments and text citations were coded for the analysis (Tójjar, 2006).

For the questionnaires’ quantitative study, an analysis of frequencies and percentages was performed. For the study of the relationship between variables, the chi-squared or χ2 test was carried out. To this effect, the SPSS Statistical Package (v.22) was used.


Below is a summary of the analysis of the results obtained through the different collection techniques that were used.

Categories of the interviews

Figure 1. Categories extracted from the interviews

For the analysis, 6 categories and 12 subcategories were made. When the analysis deemed it appropriate, diverse selected citations were allocated to diverse categories and subcategories at the same time. Table 3 includes categories, with their code, and an example of a verbatim citation.

Table 3

Codes and examples of verbatim citations corresponding to each category



Citation example


Include the ICTs as material

“...It would be very beneficial to use new applied technologies, since images are really helpful to improve understanding and, also, attracts the students’ attention and motivates them.” (E. 1, p. 2)


Program’s contents

“...It is not about giving information about the drug but about what we can do to not take the bait and not to become addicted to them or try them, isn’t it?” (E. 4, p.13)


Program’s length

“...It should be a bit longer. Above all, regarding the number of sessions...” (E. 3, p. 7).


Context characteristics

“...They are in an age in which they are starting with preadolescence stuff, as I call it” (E. 5, p. 16).


Opinion about planning

“...Planning has been complied with for it has took place the days that were planned and with a space of time between one another...” (E. 3, p. 8).


Methodology used in the classroom

“...They have been participative enough, really interested, as they were constantly asking what time the session was, when the person was coming” (E. 5, p. 16).

Include the ICTs as material This category includes two subcategories that are: The Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs benefits in the classroom and the ICTs types they have asked for.

This category includes the teaching staff’s onion about the material resources of the program. Asking for the use of ICTs and stating that the resources used are insufficient. “...It would be very beneficial to use new applied technologies, since images are really helpful to improve understanding and, also, attracts the students’ attention and motivates them.” (E. 1)

Program’s contents This category was further divided into these subcategories: content and information about drugs, useful contents learned in the activities, missing contents, and positive aspects of the learned contents.

This is one of the most essential sections, since it has provided the study with valuable information. They stand out that working with contents like self-esteem has been very useful, but that there were some missing contents, as the mass media. Regarding looking drugs with a greater information, most of them agreed that they are too young to provide them with more information than the one they have access to. That is why they think the contents are quite well adapted to the age.

“Speaking of drugs, I think children these age have not still bumped into them. So I believe it is much more important to focus on making the child be self-confident, strong and achieving that the children makes his own decisions rather than forcing oneself into educating the child about what he is going to bump into” (E.3).

Methodology used in the classroom. This category is further divided into: Used participative methodology aspects and the Modifications they would carry out regarding the methodology.

In this category it can be stressed the fact that a participative methodology is used, since students have been able to interact with each other and with the person in charge of the activities. In addition, the idea of having included some dynamic or role-playing to make it more participative is outlined. “...Something else may be included, such as some game, simulation...Because you did it so well for you gave them many examples but in my opinion that maybe, it could be turned into scenes or they could take on the role another way”. (E. 2).

Program’s length This category includes two subcategories: Negative aspects of length and the improvement proposals regarding length.

Another key point in this analysis appears, for the teaching staff requires the need for extending the number of sessions and the length of each session. The reason was that with such length, some interesting topics could not be treated in depth. As the following citation demonstrates:

“I think the length is short, just a few sessions. Honestly, given the importance of these topics, that are the talk of the town and that we can see everywhere, and since they are really motivating for the students, sessions could be a bit longer and there could be more sessions” (E. 4).

Opinion about planning. This category mainly includes the positive aspects of the planning. It was underscored that there was a previous organization of the program and that everything stated in the programming was complied with. “Nothing from what we had planned has been missing, am I right? It didn’t feel like the sessions were very long... everything was good.” (E. 5).

Characteristics of the context. This category includes the benefits of the context where the program was carried out. The most remarkable aspect was carrying out this prevention with children these ages, for they were close to the adolescence and for it is considered to be the change from the school to the high school. “...I think their age was right for carrying out the program. First, because they are already entering the preadolescence and, secondly, because they are going to high school next year, where there will be much older students...” (E.3).

Tables and graphics from the questionnaires

Below are the results obtained through the statistical program SPSS basing on data extracted from the 135 questionnaires. They can be read in the tables and figures.

Figure 2. Students’ motivation

As it can be seen in Figure 2, the students’ motivation has been high, grouping 93,1% in the values “Really motivated” and “Quite motivated”. In this way, a 6,9% remains, corresponding to the low-motivated students. In this second group, it could be said that 1.5% attended the prevention sessions against their will, due to the schedule planned for the sessions.

Table 4

Questionnaire’s items

Items 1ƒ(%) 2ƒ(%) 3ƒ(%) 4ƒ(%) Average SD
1 0(0) 5(3.7) 18(13.3) 111(82.2) 3.79 0.49
2 2(1.5) 6(4.4) 39(28.9) 88(65.2) 3.58 0.65
3 3(2.2) 12(8.9) 41(30.4) 79(58.5) 3.45 0.75
4 1(0.7) 1(0.7) 21(15.6) 112(83) 3.81 0.46
5 1(0.7) 3(2.2) 51(38.1) 79(59) 3.55 0.58
6 6(4.4) 3(2.2) 34(25.2) 92(68.1) 3.57 0.75
7 1(0.7) 8(6) 47(35.1) 78(58.2) 3.51 0.65
8 0(0) 2(1.5) 45(33.8) 86(64.7) 3.63 0.51
9 48(35.6) 16(11.9) 26(19.3) 45(33.3) 2.50 1.28
10 1(0.7) 2(1.5) 4(3.0) 127(94.1) 3.92 0.39
11 0(0) 5(3.7) 37(27.4) 93(68.9) 3.65 0.55
12 6(4.5) 24(17.9) 42(30.6) 63(47) 3.20 0.89
13 0(0) 8(6) 8(6) 118(88.1) 3.82 0.52
14 1(0.7) 2(1.5) 4(3.0) 127(94.8) 3.92 0.39
Note: The items' description is included in the "Tools" section

As Table 4 proves, almost every item has a high score, except for item 9, which will be explained later. The most valued (Average=3.92 and SD=0.39) items are 10 “Treatment received” and 14 “Manager’s availability”. In the same way, so is item 13 “Technicians’ availability”, obtaining a similar result (Average=3.82, SD=0.52) to the result obtained in item 14. Other highly-scored values are item 4 “Recommendation level” and item 1 “Adequate activities”. The most heterogeneous opinions (SD=1.28) are gathered in item 9 “Length satisfaction”, that collects a great variety of opinions.

Bivariant analysis of the questionnaires

Below are the cross-matched data of some significant variables from the questionnaire used in this research.

Table 5

Course and Motivation Variables



5th Grade 0 2 6 28 36
6th Grade 2 5 50 37 94
Total 2 7 56 65 135

Data in Table 5 comparing the “Motivation” and the “Course” variable verify how 5th grade students are even more motivated than 6th grade students regarding their participation in the program. The difference is statistically significant when the χ2 test results in a value of 16.51 (p=0.001, with 3 g l).

Table 6.

Age and Item 13 “Technicians’ availability” Variables.



10 0 5 3 13 21
11 0 1 3 53 57
12 0 2 2 44 48
13 0 0 0 3 3
Total 0 8 8 113 129

In Table 6, when performing the Pearson’s χ2 test (p=0.007, with χ2=17.54 with 6 g l), it can be outlined that the 10-year old ‘s student body considered that the technician in charge of teaching the program was less available. This was caused by the fact that the program in 5th Grade was taught by joining two classroom groups corresponding to the same school year, which consequently resulted in a higher ratio of students per classroom, in comparison with the rest of the courses. Them this hindered the possibility to give the student a personalized service.

Discussion and conclusion

From the work that has been carried out throughout this research, it can be concluded that the general objectives have been met. It evaluated the Drug Addiction Prevention Program “Entre Todos” from Proyecto Hombre Association. As well, some possible improvements have been detected.

This section gathers a global evaluation of the results on which the researched was based, standing out that, in spite of having an interpretative approach, it can bring to light key data that may be applicable to other drug addiction prevention programs. Evaluating this kind of programs, with the aim to check if the objectives are met and the impact they produce in the target population may be useful for their possible implementation, with any needed modifications, in other educational centers (Jiménez-Iglesias et al., 2010).

Through the sample and used data, the objective of finding possible improvements in the program has been met. These aspects are: Concerning the resources used during the program, Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs could be included in the classroom in order to make more dynamic and motivating sessions.

In relation to the length, it would be necessary to extend the program’s length and to include it as a constant during the academic year. In this way, the program’s implementation would be more effective and would be sustainable in the long term. Moreover, the population would be aware about the importance of the addictions’ problem, demonstrating that education can make resources available to solve it.

About the contents and subjects talked of with the students, it is concluded that extending them would constitute a possible improvement. In this regard, more current topics should be included, related to the mass media and new technologies. The aforementioned is related to what was mentioned about the program’s length, since it is actually complicated to deepen in the variety of proposed topics in the original program’s planning in only 4 sessions.

As the results show, joining two groups in the same classroom should be as well changed, for it prejudices the students’ personalized service and causes that the contents cannot be understood clearly, consequently decreasing the program’s effectiveness.

In addition, another improvement that could be interesting would be training the teaching staff that is to teach such contents and eases the development of activities similar to this one, promoting the program’s sustainability in the long term. In the current classroom’s dynamics, the teaching staff has limited resources and schedules as to dedicate the required time to this kind of socio educational activities.

With reference to the methodology, even though the students have been motivated during the program, it is true that it would be required to include more activities in which they can interact with each other and with the technician or teaching Staff in charge of teaching the prevention sessions.

An essential point would be that the program includes a specific section to exclusively work with the families of students who are following the program. Since family and non-formal education play an essential role with connection to creating an addiction (Muñoz, Sanstede & Kimenko, 2016; Pinazo & Ferrer, 2001).

By carrying out this research, the need for addiction prevention programs in educational centers is evinced again (Sierra et al., 2017; Jiménez-Iglesias et al., 2010).

In conclusion, educational prevention should not only be restricted to providing information but it should seek for a change in the established behaviors and the search for values that favor the individual’s development, for it is through these factors that one can reduce or alleviate the difficulties and personality issues addicted people and, concretely, adolescents present (Becoña, Rodríguez & Salazar, 1995).


Asociación Proyecto Hombre. (2000). ENTRE TODOS. Programa de prevención escolar y familiar de la Asociación Proyecto Hombre. Madrid: Ministerio del Interior. Delegación de Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas.

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