Analysis of the perceptions of 2nd year students of fundamental education about school bullying


Cross-sectional study on school bullying. Introduction: Identify and understand the perceptions of children from the 2nd year of the 1st cycle of elementary school in a public school in the city of Niterói, about school bullying. Research tools: Student interviews. Methodology: qualitative quantitative method. Sample: approximately 30 children from the 1st cycle of Elementary School. The data collected in questionnaires were treated statistically and the interviews with students, recorded, heard and transcribed having a content analysis, the results were presented in descriptive statistical data. Results: This study made it possible to observe that the children brought a lot of information about bullying and violence and were clear and objective in their responses, allowing clarity in the work regarding content analysis. It was possible to verify that, when carrying out a study that approached the culture of childhood, having used a children's narrative as an instrument of methodological analysis, it also indicates safe and practical ways to understand this children's universe, after all they know, understand and help us to understand how your thoughts and ideas work on many subjects. The understanding of bullying as a systematic intimidation, can often clarify that behavior of supposed implication of children in this age group and that some professionals and family understand to be common. In these cases, a formative action for teachers and administrative staff would be pertinent in order to validate what children are bringing to adults in relation to their complaints regarding other people's behavior.

Keywords: Bullying, perceptions, children, elementary education, experiences

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Silva, A. A. F., & Santos e Campos, M. A. (2021). Analysis of the perceptions of 2nd year students of fundamental education about school bullying. MLS Educational Research (MLSER), 5(1).


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