Volumen 3 Número 1 (2019)

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Credits Volume 3 Issue 1 (2019)

Technological advances require the development of scientific thinking in which students can access and transform their environment. This tends to teach an updated, contextualized and motivating science which awakens interest in students and that emphasizes in the development of scientific competences. Under this premise, the objective of this article is to present the results obtained when implementing a methodological strategy based on a guided inquiry, on the adjustment of physics laboratory practices. The strategy was carried out in three schools of Bogotá (Colombia) in a research consisting of 145 students from secondary education, monitoring the interactions of students employing the follow-up process in the interaction whit laboratory practices model, and analyzing the progress of their performances inherent to the competences suggested in the research. From a mixed methodology, analytical descriptive, were implemented ad hoc designed input and output tests, which establish the level of appropriation of competencies, before and after the implementation of the methodological strategy. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the strategy within the educational contexts considered. It is concluded that the strategy presents an innovative and relevant character, since it proposes guiding and didactic elements for the teaching of science, bringing students closer to the new technological and scientific developments of today.

TThe learning process needs professionals prepared to face all the challenges of education, therefore the education professional, training becomes basic item is important for inclusive education and quality. The difficulties presented by the students can be exceeded from the use of innovative techniques, motivating students in the search for knowledge. The objective is observe whether the knowledge of the teacher influence on the methodologies used for learnig difficulties. It is a cross-sectional study of interview to identify the current situation with teachers in primary education institutions investigated. The semistructure interview was composed by open and closed questions allowing the teacher discourse freely on the proposed theme, with the purpose of clarifying it. It was observed that in all classrooms of the institutions surveyed, there are students who present learning problems, that most teachers are postgraduates and seek to know new methodologies for help the students about learning. It is concluded that teachers they care, with the effectiveness and quality of education and the importance in working innovative techniques looking to solve learning problems and behaviour. For this seek information with other professionals, in the process of extension and post-graduates.

A teacher’s preparation is demanding, not only requiring the appropriation of a specific knowledge of teaching, but the development of communication skills for the management of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) as well. A continuous interaction with cabin boys (newly admitted students who last two years in the Non-Commissioned Officer Naval School) should be sought at the work site and wherever they are. This article, as a result of research in the Electromechanical Technology of the Non-Commissioned Officer Naval School of Barranquilla, presents the teachers’ preparation and how they perceive it within their teaching activities. The 24 teachers in technology have been used as a population, of which 12 teach in subjects directly related to the use of ICTs, and so comprising this study and therefore representing the sample. Information was taken from the teachers, technology program manager, cabin boys, the Statistics Department and the Telematics Department. The results show teachers with good levels of ICT training and a favorable perception in their use. A tendency to stay permanently updated is observed; however, there are some specific cases that prove otherwise. It is recommended to continue monitoring these processes by applying it to the other technologies and training schools of the National Navy.

The present work was oriented to reveal the level of digital empowerment and the development of mathematical competences in the initial formation of the mathematics teacher at the Hermilio Valdizán University. The objective of the study was to evaluate the implications of the use of digital resources: mathematical software and interactive pages in the teaching-learning process of the topics of mathematics and the development of reasoning, problem solving and argumentation skills, communication and argumentation. The research was framed in the qualitative methodology based on the techniques of participant observation, in-depth interview and evaluation rubric. The data collected through the interview was subjected to a process of codification, categorization and construction of semantic networks with the help of the Atlas.ti, while the data from the observation process and the rubric are presented and interpreted statistically in (frequencies and percentages). From the most significant findings it can be seen that most of the teachers in initial training have a considerable digital empowerment, expressed in the use of free software, collaboration resources, social networks and interactive pages for the solution of mathematical problems in algebraic form and graph. On the other hand, more than 85% state that their mathematical competences were developed optimally with the use of technology. It is concluded that digital empowerment is fundamental for the learning of mathematics and the development of reasoning skills, problem solving, modeling and mathematical communication during the initial training of the mathematics teacher.

The school, in its present form, is not the product of the internal development of African societies. In the case of Senegal, the creation and development of the school network followed the French penetration. Basically, far from reducing the distance that separates the dominator from the dominated, the school has, in most cases, helped to make it impassable in order to maintain the colonial order. It should be noted, however, that in the aftermath of the Second World War, school policy was dominated by the ideology of assimilation. It is from this school that independent Senegal has inherited. It posed to the young state, among other challenges, that of building, with an extroverted school, an identity and a sense of belonging to the Senegalese nation based on the promotion of history, cultures and national languages. However, the school institution, privileged place of education, does not belong less to a global environment. Also, we are also interested in this environment... We have chosen a methodological approach favoring the analysis of educational orientation laws as well as their texting in educational programs and official instructions.

Children and young people have different challenges as they progress in their school development, one of them is the maintenance of high ranks in academic performance, music as a tool to improve sensory skills has been shown to have a positive influence when combined with In the educational field, the present research, based on this premise, set itself the objective of determining the academic performance of children and young people with musical aptitudes belonging to the Caldas Symphonic Bands Program. For this purpose, a methodology with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental transactional correlation design was used. Out of a total of 1,926, a sample was selected by conglomerates in a simple stage, of 482 instrumentalists (282 men and 200 women). For the rest, the Seashore Music Skills Test was chosen for the assessment of musical aptitudes, whose most relevant results showed that the correlations among all the variables that evaluate the musical aptitudes are all positive, besides being all significant with a significance of 5%. The highest is between the time and tonal memory (0.4991), while the most incorrect is between the intensity and timbre (0.1478). In summary, it could be determined that women present better grades in Spanish and mathematics than men, while the opposite occurs with respect to tonal memory