Dietary intervention in polycystic ovarian syndrome a bibliographical review


The aim of the present study was to investigate which diet is the best option to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A bibliographic review was carried out. Official web sites and documents were taken into consideration. Nevertheless, for the analysis of studies, just articles from indexed magazines were used. These articles were published between 2015 and 2022, and they were selected form the database PubMed. At the end, 19 articles were used. All of the discussed diets can be helpful to lose weight in case of overweight or obesity. In case of inflammation, the Mediterranean diet may be the best option because of its antioxidant value. When SOP coexists with diabetes, both the DASH diet and the ketogenic diet can be of great help. A low glicemic diet can be useful to improve the levels of sex hormones and the lipid profile in women with PCOS. More investigations and studies with bigger samples are needed to confirm the results shown in this work. However, the information exposed in this review points out that an anti-inflammatory diet, losing weight, in case it was necessary, and controlling the carbohydrates intake, is necessary to improve the symptomatology and health of women with PCOS. 

Keywords: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, mediterranean diet, DASH diet, ketogenic diet, low glicemic diet

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Calvo Pajares, S. (2023). Dietary intervention in polycystic ovarian syndrome a bibliographical review. MLS Health and Nutrition Research, 2(2).


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