Impact of hearing disability on the psychoemotional development of persons with profound deafness according to family of origin


The lack of studies comparing the educational and social adaptation of congenitally deaf population, according to whether their parents are deaf or hearing, is the motivation for the present study. The aim was to determine the effects on the psychosocial development and anxiety level of profoundly deaf persons depending on whether their parents were deaf or hearing. The study sample comprised 12 deaf individuals aged between 24 and 67 years (M=38.92; SD=13.957; 66.7% women). We used the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), adapted for deaf population by means of video in which a specialist in Spanish sign language presented each item, ensuring they were all understood. The results show significant differences in level of anxiety between the two sub-samples. It is essential to ensure deaf participants’ comprehension of the items, due to the difficulty the test involves for this group of individuals, given that is in what for them is a second language. If participants were born in a family with hearing parents or deaf parents it would help determine preventive elements and the actions to be implemented for all deaf children to be diagnosed as early as possible.

Keywords: Anxiety, deaf, normally hearing, sign language

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Aguado Romo, R., Anasagasti Undabarrena, A., Martínez Lorca, M., & Martínez-Lorca, A. (2022). Impact of hearing disability on the psychoemotional development of persons with profound deafness according to family of origin. MLS Inclusion and Society Journal, 2(2).


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