Analysis of the constitutional and regulatory framework for the delegation of maritime ports in Ecuador


Delegation is a legitimate way for centralized or sectional States to transfer legal, administrative, operational, and management capacities in general to decentralized entities of the State itself or private sector entities. In Ecuador, there are several ways of delegating financial, administrative, and operational powers and management to foreign state companies, national or foreign private companies, and even through public-private partnerships. The seaports of Ecuador are part of the strategic sectors of the State due to their infrastructure conditions, geopolitical location, and connectivity facilities, elements that make them attractive for national and international investors specializing in maritime businesses, a situation that transforms them into valuable allies. for international trade and the transit of tourist passengers. The fundamental legal structure that supports the action of granting or delegating areas of strategic sectors of the Ecuadorian State —in this case, the seaports— has legal support in the Constitution of the Republic, the Organic Code of Production, Trade, and Investment, the Organic Law of Incentives for Public-Private Associations, the Organic Administrative Code and the Organic Law of the Comptroller General of the State, among other legal bodies. The fundamental objective for the delegation and even the concession of seaports in Ecuador is due to searching for efficient and effective management to create a competitive environment, sustained in a legal system that allows it to achieve an effective dynamic that encourages multilateral trade. The Ecuadorian State intends that the comparative and competitive advantages of infrastructures and strategic positioning serve to generate sustained development based on the ability to provide agile, safe port services at competitive costs.

Keywords: Delegation, strategic sectors, seaports, connectivity, exceptionality

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Loor Zambrano, A. A., & Pahul Robredo, M. G. (2022). Analysis of the constitutional and regulatory framework for the delegation of maritime ports in Ecuador. MLS Law and International Politics, 1(2). Retrieved from


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