Principle of guardianship preferred legal protection before impairment of labor law


The impairment of the right to work has been a social problem in Guatemala, which has affected workers since past centuries, they were subjected to torture and slavery, in the present century slavery is no longer very notorious, thanks to the protection of human rights; Even so, there is abuse by the employer towards the worker, he does not pay a fair salary, not paying compensation is another factor to sue the employer before the Labor Court, once the administrative process has been exhausted, he enters into a labor dispute with the employer before a jurisdictional Court, which hears and resolves, based on current law, with preferential legal protection, this arouses the interest of deeply analyzing human rights, principles of law, that due process is not violated; current labor regulations provide elements for the common good of the parties, taking the Principle of guardianship that assists all workers based on the C.P.R.G, 4, 44, 46, 101-117, local and international laws, if not justice applies the legal sphere is affected in the present study comparative law was analyzed as a legal instrument that compares characteristics of different legal systems that are applied to fairly solve labor problems, norms that favor Guatemala: convention on the rights of the child, San José Pact, Vienna Convention, ILO, UDHR similar to civil rights in international legal matters to promote decent work, for the common good, harmony and peace in society.

Keywords: Protection, impairment, labor law

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How to Cite

López Herrera, J. E. (2023). Principle of guardianship preferred legal protection before impairment of labor law. MLS Law and International Politics, 2(1).


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