ISSN: 2683-1597

How to cite this article:

Rivera Manzano, L. D. (2023). Liderazgo directivo y desarrollo productivo del sector automotriz. Project, Design and Management, 5(1), 158-170. doi: 10.35992/pdm.5vi1.1371.


Lisbeth Daniela Rivera Manzano
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (Ecuador) ·

Receipt date: 09/06/2022 / Revision date: 08/07/2022 / Acceptance date: 11/07/2022

Abstract: The present research study aimed to determine the relationship between managerial leadership and the productive development of the automotive sector in Guayaquil. It includes the theory of high-performance equipment of Peñalver (2019), based on trust, commitment, results and recognition. The confidence of a leader who leads and supports the team safely is relevant. The confidence expressed by a leader who leads and supports the team securely generates a high degree of commitment to the team for the achievement of results expected from the manager with the ability to transmit vision and assign responsibilities for the fulfillment of goals and development of each individual. The study complies with a methodology of Non experimental research - Transversal, Basic and with a Descriptive-Correlative level. In the census study, relevant data were obtained with the contribution of 14 collaborators through two questionnaires for the corresponding analysis and an interview with the manager of an automotive company to know the work of the collaborators in the company, whose purpose is to visualize how managerial leadership is associated with productive development. Within the results a significant relation of the variables was obtained, in it the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis, whose association is significant of 0.05, with a strong positive Spearman correlation coefficient = ,564 to be this an approach to take a better planning and correct the shortcomings to obtain optimal results in the automotive company.

keywords: Management leadership, productive development, high performance teams, Ecuador,


Resumen: El presente estudio investigativo tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación del liderazgo directivo y el desarrollo productivo del sector automotriz en Guayaquil. Se incluye la teoría de equipos de alto rendimiento de Peñalver (2019), basada en la confianza, compromiso, resultados y reconocimiento. Es relevante la confianza que manifiesta un líder que dirige y apoya al equipo con seguridad. La confianza que manifiesta un líder que dirige y apoya al equipo con seguridad genera un alto grado de compromiso al equipo para el logro de resultados que se espera del directivo con capacidad de trasmitir visión y asignar responsabilidades para el cumplimiento de metas y el desarrollo de cada individuo. El estudio cumple con una metodología de una investigación No experimental – Transversal, Básica y con un nivel Descriptivo-Correlacional. En el estudio censal, se obtuvo datos relevantes con la contribución de 14 colaboradores a través de dos cuestionarios para el análisis correspondiente y una entrevista al gerente de una empresa automotriz para conocer el trabajo de los colaboradores en la empresa, cuyo fin es visualizar como el liderazgo directivo se asocia al desarrollo productivo. Dentro de los resultados se obtuvo una relación significativa de las variables, en la misma se rechaza la hipótesis nula (Ho), y se acepta la hipótesis alternativa, cuya asociación es significativa de 0,05, con un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman positivo fuerte = ,564 a siendo esto un enfoque para llevar una mejor planificación y corregir las falencias para obtener resultados óptimos en la empresa automotriz.

Palabras clave: Liderazgo directivo, desarrollo productivo, equipos de alto rendimiento, Ecuador,


Globally, it can be seen how management leadership generates a high relationship with the productive development of the automotive sector marked in the market, in which companies report the decisions taken to promote a change and improve every day the different administrative aspects it manages, in order to create innovative techniques for the enhancement of the productive development of the same. The automotive industry is one of the main sectors that allows for economic growth, which has had a high impact at the international level, generating jobs to meet the basic needs of workers. 

Within the automotive industry worldwide, one of the major market leaders is Japan, considering the most relevant companies it manages, such as Honda, Toyota and Nissan, which, due to their high production capacity and managerial leadership, attract more foreign consumers. In addition, Japan has an advantage over neighboring countries in the automotive market, which is China, as it has a greater productive development when generating sales. According to statistical data, at international level China is leading the automotive industry with a production of 28,118,794 units, the United States with 12,198,137 units, Japan has a production of 9,204,590 units, Germany with 6,062,562 units, which is located in fourth place and India with 4,488,965 units, being the fifth place in the automotive industry (Valle, 2017). 

According to data from the National Chamber of Automotive Commerce of Chile (CAVEM, 2019) the brands that lead the market is Chevrolet, Suzuki, Hyundai and Volkswagen with respect to the productive development they implemented in 2018, but this presents an imbalance today, allowing brands such as Toyota, Mercedes-Benz and BMW to displace these brands; with greater investment in technology and at a lower cost in sales, with managers of great global prominence that expand their range of vehicle models for advanced productive development. 

For Latin America, the automotive industry is undergoing changes with respect to trade relations with the United States, economic crises in some countries, and the opening of local markets to Chinese suppliers. China, the United States, Japan and Germany are the leading markets with the highest technological level for the development of automotive production; therefore, Mexico is the world's fifth largest auto parts producer, with a projected production of 95 billion for the current year. Brazil's automotive industry is stable, according to Elaine Colnago, Development and Export Advisor of the National Union of the Automotive Components Industry; in her projection, she states that the auto parts turnover will be 27.8 billion, with Argentina, the United States and Mexico as the main export destinations. For the international markets of the automotive industry, they establish as strategies to generate greater production, of better quality, at low costs and personalized service to stay in the market (Alcántara and Rodríguez, 2019).

The United Nations Organization (UN, 2019) in its publication "World Economic Situation And Prospects" states that, at present, the existing progress of productive development through innovation has generated a delay in developing countries. Despite the difficulties in measuring innovation on a large scale, it combines economic, technological and institutional aspects to provide a comprehensive assessment. The countries with a high degree of productive development and innovation are: China, Malaysia and Vietnam, for which corrective measures must be taken to maintain production stability in the global automotive industry. 

With respect to data obtained from the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) and National Customs Service of Ecuador (SENAE), indicates a variation in the generation of employment in 2018 in the automotive industry, for the manufacture of vehicles has 1,401 workers, the manufacture of auto parts there are only 1,309; this promotes the inclusion of strategies by the managers who manage each company, in order to create distribution channels that allow decreasing delivery time, increasing the installed capacity to improve the productive development of the automotive industry. On the other hand, trade and repair of vehicles for maintenance represents 22,857 workers, auto parts sales have 22,116 workers, giving a high rate in the automotive industry to enhance the country's economy (Asociación de empresas automotrices del Ecuador [AEADE], 2018). 

García (2018) Minister of Industries and Productivity, in her analysis on "Challenges of the Automotive Industry", indicates that, industrial policy is based on five pillars: investment, productivity, quality, innovation and markets. Likewise, the Automotive Policy is focused on three axes: low local content for assembly activities, development of auto parts suppliers and incentives for assemblers. The automotive industry is a major source of foreign exchange, due to the export of vehicles and auto parts to different countries in the region. The main objective is to expand production in a competitive manner, with a high added value and a greater generation of sources of employment. The automotive industry needs to develop its supply chain, based on the quality requirements of its production.

The Labor and Business Dynamics Laboratory of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), through data obtained from the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) indicates that, in 2018 the total number of jobs in the automotive industry in Ecuador was 68,115, being an index of great relevance for the creation of new entities that help generate new innovative techniques and increase the employment item in the automotive industry, in order to promote the stability of financial performance and improve productive development to be high performance leaders in the automotive market. In 2018, 137,615 units of vehicles entered Ecuador, which were sold in a given time. The country is among the first places with respect to the growth of vehicles marketed with 30.9% in the automotive sector, generating a relevant activation to the economy of the companies, also a positive change in the entire marketing chain, considering the companies that provide repair service, washing and installation of spare parts as the case presented, being a benefit to the growth of the automotive industry (MotorTerra, 2019).

In 2018 for Ecuador, it was a year of recovery for the automotive sector, considering the economic situation of the country, a trade policy of great openness, and the help of financial institutions through credit; this had an impact on the productive performance of the sector. As of the entry into force of the Trade Agreement with the European Union, vehicles extended their share of the Ecuadorian automotive market with 6.4% in 2018. Market growth has allowed companies to optimize costs, which has led to improved consumer prices (El Universo, 2019).

The automotive service companies do not have the necessary tools for a good management of resources optimization to establish an adequate production process to deliver in an optimal time to the final consumer; this is a shortcoming that should be analyzed by the management leader to find the skills that generate a high relationship in order to improve internal management with greater installed capacity for productive development in the companies to provide a quality service. Therefore, this research aims to make a determined analysis to know the shortcomings of the company, how it is carrying out the leadership capacity of senior management, if workers have the necessary training to work in the same, as well as to know if consumers are satisfied with the service provided, and how to use resources for the optimal delivery of the repaired vehicle, based on this seek possible solutions to compete with other markets worldwide. 

This is of great importance because it allows an adequate control over the performance of a company's organization, to achieve the projected goals, which helps to make decisions for the good performance of the leader in order to improve the productive development of the company. Within the automotive sector it can be seen how this has influenced the establishment of strategies to improve the productive performance of workers, promoting the optimization of resources to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness required by the company for productive development internationally. 

The managerial leadership and the relationship with the productive development of the automotive sector, represents a high potential within the global economic market, being a relevant element to develop the competitiveness of the company and accelerate long-term economic growth, which allows improving the conditions currently presented, in order to organize and generate employment with an index of added value that helps to enhance the service provided by the company's employees to customers. Therefore, it is a primary objective of the company to increase its competitiveness through productive levels, in order to differentiate itself in the automotive market and to be recognized nationally and internationally for its management leadership processes. 

The General Objective is to determine the relationship between managerial leadership and the productive development of the automotive sector in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The specific objectives are: To evaluate the relationship of managerial leadership with decision making in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador and to establish the relationship of managerial leadership with organizational performance in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador. The general hypothesis is that there is a significant relationship between managerial leadership and the productive development of the automotive sector in Guayaquil, Ecuador. In hypothesis 1, there is a high relationship of managerial leadership with decision making in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador and hypothesis 2, there is a positive relationship of managerial leadership with organizational performance in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

It is necessary to consult a series of theories on which the research is based; considering the case of Peñalver (2019) raises in his theory about high performance teams that is based on a formula: Trust + Commitment + Results + Recognition. Confidence is of utmost importance because it provides positive expectations despite uncertainty. Therefore, trust is generated by having a managerial leader who supports the team and leads them with confidence. Team commitment is measured through the results obtained, which are expected from the manager's ability to transmit vision, assign responsibilities, develop people, and rotate personnel for the fulfillment of activities. 

Within the assigned theories, the theory of high performance teams is considered as the main one for the evaluation of the study, since a managerial leader generates confidence in his subordinates according to the degree of credibility that exists with respect to any circumstance presented, the commitment he has to establish clear objectives for decision making that is given in consensus with the members that form the work team, this allows to obtain the expected results in the fulfillment of goals to increase the productive development of the company, also the managerial leader is directed with new strategies that generate organizational profitability, given the participation of its collaborators with efficiency in the activities that are assigned to them, this through a good control in the personnel, allows to grant recognition to the collaborators by its performance in the functions carried out generating a benefit for the finances of the company. 

This work is of great importance because it allows to determine the relationship between management leadership and productive development in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador; where a variety of factors that affect the company in its labor situation are observed, with this purpose, the research work has been implemented as a contribution to the improvement of strategies and approach that exists in the company with new techniques of management leadership for productive development, which allows to increase performance and achieve the established goals. 

In the research with respect to its practical contribution, its purpose is to provide the necessary tools to companies about management leadership techniques that allow employees to enhance their skills for productive development in the field they perform and the performance of the organization, this also allows to achieve high levels of personal satisfaction, optimal performance, quality of life, competitiveness in the market and provide an innovative service to the customer's taste. 


The research study complied with the methodological techniques proposed in a non-experimental, cross-sectional, basic, descriptive-correlational research. It is of a basic type, because through the research, it sought to identify and know which were the problems presented by the workers and the opinions regarding some situation that they did not agree with within the company, in order to provide key ideas and adequate conditions to provide an improvement in the productive development within the company.

Variable 1: Managerial leadership: It is the one that proposes new approaches that motivate companies to have a clear vision to develop strategies to achieve an established goal. This evaluates the productive performance; therefore, the managerial leader inspires his work team to improve the skills with a high level of communication, this as a vision to the correct management of functions to obtain favorable results based on decision making.

Variable 2: Productive development: Productive development is based on how much is produced in goods or services for each component implemented (worker, capital, time, costs, etc.), during a defined period. This is measured through the production efficiency per resource implemented, in order to acquire the maximum benefit using few resources (Sevilla, 2016).

In this research study, the population corresponds to 14 employees and 1 manager of an automotive company. Due to a small population, a census study was considered, which did not require a sample or sampling, the population was taken directly for the analysis and corresponding results, in order to find the necessary solution for the research study. The study was approached in the following way: with respect to leadership, the managers, and with respect to productivity, the workers. Through the variables identified the problems generated in the company to find solutions to help optimize the productivity of workers through the proper performance by senior managers.

With respect to the inclusion criteria, we considered the companies in the automotive industry, taking as the main point the men and women who work in an automotive company in the city of Guayaquil, including collaborators who provide their services externally to the company. In the research process, the exclusion criteria did not include children under 18 years of age and clients, who did not participate in the study carried out to obtain the corresponding results. 

Surveys based on a Likert scale with frequency expressions were conducted with data that are easy to analyze for decision making by the researcher collecting the data for the study. A structured interview was also proposed, according to (Mejia, 2019), it is directed by standardized questions, which are set out in an organized manner for each study objective, this interview of the proposed study was set in the formulation of questions, where the most relevant of the research were included; this in order to facilitate the unification of criteria and opinions by the interviewee.

Surveys and interviews were conducted in an automotive company in Guayaquil, to acquire information on the variable management leadership and productive development, this was considered through a census study of 14 employees and 1 manager of the automotive company. This in order to make known the problems, aspects, behaviors and economic or social situation presented within the company by the individuals who participated in the same with respect to the objectives given in the research study, to analyze in a concrete way and grant the validity of the given hypothesis. 

The instrument used was a questionnaire of questions to study the corresponding variables, which allowed the acquisition of results in a concrete form, which was given to each employee surveyed. A series of questions were also asked through an interview with the general manager to evaluate his degree of leadership within the company. For the management leadership and productive development variable, a questionnaire of 10 questions was used for each variable, with multiple choice results. Questionnaire 1 was designed to analyze the variable Management Leadership, questionnaire 2 was also presented, which analyzed the variable Productive Development, and to corroborate the statistical data obtained in the survey, an interview guide was applied to the general manager. 

The questionnaire was presented in two ways: one is to see the conditions that presented the staff within the company, and the other which was the behavior of managerial leadership of its administrative area; considering also that, this was analyzed through an interview with the manager of the company to verify the information collected by the team that make up the company. In the measurement of the questions a scale was implemented that are equivalent in: Never, Sometimes, Sometimes, Sometimes, Almost always, Always. 

The present research study was carried out through the application of two questionnaires and an interview that allowed measuring the variables management leadership and productive development; therefore, the validation of the instruments was carried out through specialized judges with a high degree of experience in the area of the corresponding variables to qualify and provide suggestions regarding the proposed instruments with a truthful opinion if the given study is acceptable. 

With respect to the reliability of the research work, an instrument reliability test called Cronbach's alpha was performed to establish the reliability of consistency of the respective questionnaires given for each study variable. This pilot test was carried out with 10 employees of an automotive company in Guayaquil, Ecuador, with similar characteristics to the present population analyzed. When the statistical data collection was obtained, the corresponding calculation was made by means of Cronbach's Alpha factor, which measured the reliability of the dimensions given in the questionnaires. Within the reliability of the instruments through the formulation carried out, it was found that questionnaire 1 has a reliability of 0.90 and questionnaire 2 0.80, which means that the measurement scales are homogeneous and are directed to the same approach to correctly carry out the proposed research study.

The procedure was carried out starting from the authorization of the manager of the automotive company, in order to apply all the corresponding processes of data collection to the collaborators. The date and time were established to apply the instruments on an appropriate day without interrupting each person's work. This was done through a survey to 14 collaborators of the automotive company and an interview to a manager to corroborate the information acquired from the company, being carried out in an average of 10 minutes for the execution of the survey and interview; in the questionnaire established for the survey was presented according to categories such as; 1.- Never, 2.- Sometimes, 3.- Sometimes, 4.- Almost always, 5.- Always; once the information was received, the respective tabulation was made in Excel, generating a data base, which later allowed to enter it to the program "Stadistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v.25)". In addition, a pilot test was applied to evaluate the reliability of the instruments, in order to see if it is feasible to be applied to the entire study population. 

In the analysis of the present study, a database was used, where the information collected through the survey was entered to demonstrate the reliability through the Cronbach's Alpha statistic obtained through the Excel program. This research is supported by relevant theories in order to demonstrate the veracity of the hypothesis proposed. Therefore, specific information related to the objectives given with respect to the variables was collected to obtain the results through cross tables about the corresponding correlations of the study, and to see the significance of the hypotheses presented, the Spearman correlation coefficient method was used in the SPSS program, to know the situation of the automotive company and provide new guidelines to help its internal improvement.


With respect to table 1, 75% of the employees consider that productive development is almost always good, when managerial leadership is almost always generated at a high level; likewise, sometimes productive development is regular, when managerial leadership is sometimes average with 62.5%; this shows the relationship between management leadership and productive development is good, due to how the manager of the company carries out his planning for an adequate process of functions by the collaborators, but management leadership is directly associated with productive development, because productive development, despite the shortcomings of the company, seasonally obtains work to perform functions with excellence. 

Table 1

Descriptive analysis Management leadership and productive development 

Sometimes Sometimes Almost always Total
MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Sometimes Count 1 1 0 2
% within Management Leadership 50,0% 50,0% 0,0% 100,0%
Sometimes Count 0 5 3 8
% within Management Leadership 0,0% 62,5% 37,5% 100,0%
Almost always Count 0 1 3 4
% within Management Leadership 0,0% 25,0% 75,0% 100,0%
Total Count 1 7 6 14
% within Management Leadership 7,1% 50,0% 42,9% 100,0%


Regarding table 2, 50% of the collaborators consider that, almost always the decision making is good, when almost always the managerial leadership is generated at a high level, in its majority the manager sometimes encourages the decision making in a regular way, when the managerial leadership is high in 25%; being a feasible relationship of managerial leadership within the company, but it should be taken into consideration that it is important the equity of all in the team; therefore, it is necessary to work on this aspect with the managers and collaborators to obtain favorable results in the decision making with respect to some event presented in the company.

Table 2

Descriptive Analysis Management Leadership and Decision Making 

Sometimes Sometimes Almost always Always Total
MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Sometimes Count 1 1 0 0 2
% within Management Leadership 50,0% 50,0% 0,0% 0,0% 100,0%
Sometimes Count 0 6 2 0 8
% within Management Leadership 0,0% 75,0% 25,0% 0,0% 100,0%
Almost always Count 0 1 2 1 4
% within Management Leadership 0,0% 25,0% 50,0% 25,0% 100,0%
Total Count 1 8 4 1 14
% within Management Leadership 7,1% 57,1% 28,6% 7,1% 100,0%

With respect to table 3, 87.5% of the collaborators state that, sometimes the organizational performance is regular, when sometimes the managerial leadership is generated at a medium level, as well as sometimes the organizational performance is given incorrectly, when sometimes the managerial leadership is medium in 12.5%, the organizational performance is considerably associated with the managerial leadership, even though, the manager of the company does not take an adequate control to the collaborators, the organizational performance is the one that is in charge of improving the capacities of the company, its internal and external operation. 

Table 3

Management Leadership and Organizational Performance Analysis 

Sometimes Sometimes Almost always Total
MANAGERIAL LEADERSHIP Sometimes Count 1 1 0 2
% within Management Leadership 50,0% 50,0% 0,0% 100,0%
Sometimes Count 1 7 0 8
% within Management Leadership 12,5% 87,5% 0,0% 100,0%
Almost always Count 0 2 2 4
% within Management Leadership 0,0% 50,0% 50,0% 100,0%
Total Count 2 10 2 14
% within Management Leadership 14,3% 71,4% 14,3% 100,0%


Ho. There is no significant relationship between management leadership and the productive development of the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Ha. There is a significant relationship between management leadership and the productive development of the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Table 4 shows that there is a significant relationship between managerial leadership and productive development. The null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted because the steam p=.036 is less than p=.05, so there is a statistically significant variation of 0.05 of the variables, with a strong positive Spearman correlation coefficient = ,564a which shows that one is associated with the other in the automotive sector of Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Table 4

Correlation coefficient Management leadership and Productive development

Spearman's Rho MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Correlation coefficient 1,000 ,564*
Sig. (bilateral) . ,036
N 14 14
PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT Correlation coefficient ,564* 1,000
Sig. (bilateral) ,036 .
N 14 14

Note. *The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral).

Ho. There is not a high relationship between management leadership and decision making in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Ha. There is a high relationship between managerial leadership and decision making in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Table 5 shows that there is a high relationship between managerial leadership and decision making, in which the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, given that the level of p= ,012 is less than p=.05, so there is a statistically significant variation of 0.05 of the variables, with a strong positive correlation coefficient = ,652a, which shows that there is a high relationship in the study variables in the automotive sector of Guayaquil, Ecuador. 

Table 5

Correlation coefficient Management Leadership and Decision Making

Spearman's Rho MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Correlation coefficient 1,000 ,652*
Sig. (bilateral) . ,012
N 14 14
DECISION MAKING Correlation coefficient ,652* 1,000
Sig. (bilateral) ,012 .
N 14 14

Note. *The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral).

Ho. There is no positive relationship between managerial leadership and organizational performance in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Ha. There is a positive relationship between managerial leadership and organizational performance in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Table 6 shows that there is a positive relationship between managerial leadership and organizational performance; therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, because the steam p= .015 is less than p=.05, so there is a statistically significant variation of 0.05 of the variables, with a strong positive Spearman correlation coefficient = ,634a which shows that one is associated with the other, in the automotive sector of Guayaquil, Ecuador. 

Table 6

Correlation coefficient Management Leadership and Organizational Performance

Spearman's Rho MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Correlation coefficient 1,000 ,634*
Sig. (bilateral) . ,015
N 14 14
ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE Correlation coefficient ,634* 1,000
Sig. (bilateral) ,015 .
N 14 14

Note. *The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral).

Discussion and conclusions

In this research study, management leadership and productive development in the automotive sector, Guayaquil, Ecuador, were analyzed. Based on the information compiled in the study, a variety of data is visualized for each variable established in the study, so that the veracity of the same with other studies carried out in periods prior to the present study is known. 

With respect to the general objective: To determine the relationship generated by managerial leadership with the productive development of the automotive sector, through the statistical study it is shown that the variables are associated with each other; therefore, with the correlation coefficient method, the result in Table 1 is ,564a, strong positive, with p=.036, thus determining that there is a significant relationship between managerial leadership and productive development. This is based on the theory of Peñalver (2019), who considers of utmost importance to include a high level of trust and commitment from the members that make up the company to achieve optimal results in the process in order to be recognized by the managers who lead the group, who have the ability to transmit vision, assign responsibilities, develop people and the rotation of personnel to achieve the fulfillment of established goals, with the purpose that the leader provides the necessary tools to his collaborators for an adequate productive development of the company.

Within the results proposed with the established theoretical foundation, the research work has relevance and is within the parameters considered as positive ranges to demonstrate that there is an association of the study variables compared to the variables studied from other periods that have a moderate degree of similarity, therefore, the theory given by Peñalver (2019) is considered as the main entity, which emphasizes a set of necessary aspects within the managerial leadership with high performance teams that allow achieving economic performance through a high productive development in the company in order to generate a positive impact to motivate employees and attract new customers to the company. 

When evaluating the relationship of managerial leadership with decision making of an automotive company, in which it is considered that, there is a high relationship of managerial leadership with decision making, considering the result in table 2, the level of p= ,012, with a strong positive correlation coefficient = ,652a, this shows that, there is a high relationship in the study variables, of the automotive sector. According to Hernandez (2016) on the relationship between leadership styles and decision making, they applied a Kurtt leadership test to know the style that the collaborators handle at work, where the highest positive relationship of liberal leadership with 0.37 stands out; while the relationship is negative with a low level of Ego state with -0.20, it is visualized that, not all the items have been taken into consideration to maintain an adequate level in the processes that help to make better decisions, in which a low relation of the variables is presented, demonstrating that, there is no significant correlation of leadership and decision making, contrasting to what concerns the variables of studies, a considerable relation of managerial leadership and decision making within a work team of the present analysis is identified; in which, it is necessary to evaluate different factors within the company, where there is a team with equity for all, being necessary to work in this aspect with the collaboration of the whole team to obtain favorable results within the decision making with respect to any event presented. 

To establish the relationship of managerial leadership with organizational performance in the automotive sector, as shown in Table 3, there is a positive relationship of managerial leadership with organizational performance, with the steam p= ,015, with a strong positive correlation coefficient = ,634a to this shows that, it is associated one with the other, of the automotive sector. It is of vital importance to see how within the proposed studies a significant relationship of the variables is considered; in which, it is required for a good organizational performance to grant roles to each member of the company, to provide incentives for the adequate improvement generating labor balance, being a pillar to support the guidance of the managerial leader who directs them in the process of the work they perform.

In the research process of several authors, the relevance of managerial leadership in different professional areas or institutions is visualized, being the main entity to carry out a correct management and order within a company or institution; given that, in the proposed study a significant relationship is generated within the management of the variables, this is positively associated, demonstrating that managerial leadership helps the productive development of a company and the financial enhancement of the same. 

The managerial leadership achieves in different theories as a result that, there is association with the productive development within the institutions that require it, but this must be associated as one of the most relevant entities to maintain the stability of a company with the purpose that, when including strategies help to the improvement of the productive development of the same one and generating for the execution of functions high performance teams that, help to the achievements or goals raised of the company. 

Conclusion: In the approach of the work on managerial leadership and productive development, Table 1 shows that there is a relevant relationship between the variables, given that 75% of the collaborators consider that productive development is almost always good, when managerial leadership is almost always generated at a high level, table 4 also shows a rho= ,564a, being strong positive, with p-value=,036, this allows us to see how the study variables are associated, which should be analyzed as an approach to carry out a better planning to correct the shortcomings presented and obtain optimal results in the automotive company. 

The process to establish the relationship between managerial leadership and decision making is also analyzed; it is shown in Table 5, through the strong positive rho with a value of ,652a, with p=.012, resulting in a high significant relationship, and demonstrates the associativity that exists in the study variables, but an equitable work team should be fostered to make appropriate decisions that benefit the automotive sector. It is concluded the relationship of managerial leadership with organizational performance; it is shown in table 6 that the strong positive rho has a value of ,634 a, with p value=,015; in which, there is a statistically significant variation, being in constancy the expected relationship in the same, taking into consideration that, the performance of the collaborators should be evaluated to optimize time and to see the level of efficiency for the good organizational performance that, is needed in the automotive sector.

It is necessary to implement training programs about management leadership through coaching techniques in the automotive sector to generate an assertive communication that motivates managers and collaborators as highly qualified teams; in this way, with the inclusion of innovative strategies allow to be recognized in the market to increase productivity through the achievement of goals and decision making as an improvement of organizational performance in the automotive sector.


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