MLS PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH Psychology-Research-Journal

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Lusevakueno, A y Dos Santos, E. (2023). Promoçao da pratica educativa da parentalidade positiva em contexto Angolano. MLS Psychology Research 6 (1), 139-152. doi: 10.33000/mlspr.v6i1.1302.


Alfonso Lusevakueno Junior
Instituto Superior Politécnica Privada do Zaire (Angola) -

Elisangela Dos Santos Faustino Röder
Universidad Europea del Atlántico (España) -

Date of receipt: 26/04/2022 / Revision date: 23/09/2022 / Acceptance date: 16/11/2022

Summary: From the point of view of its objectives, this is a descriptive research of an applied nature aiming to disclose a study developed in the municipality of Mbanza Kongo - Angola, which reflected on the promotion of the educational practice of positive parenting by parents and guardians, looking at the connection between parents and children and the contribution of the school-family in promoting parental exercise. The mixed qualitative and quantitative methodological approach was used, with the use of the survey procedure and the techniques of notebook, field observation, the tape recorder, and the interview. Forty-two individuals selected on appropriate criteria participated in the research. The main results indicate that the respondents know the concept of positive parenting, but its implementation is still a problem in families; socio-economic factors and the relational climate are pointed out as conditioning factors of parental exercise. This allowed the development of a set of psycho-educational actions aimed at parents responsible for the adolescent students of that school to promote these practices. Looking at the permanent dialog in the family structure and the school-family relationship, providing better learning for the student or child. Finally, it was stated that if parents have more information and basic knowledge in their daily lives about the roles and functions of parenting practices within families it is possible for them to refine their practices, their way of acting in the exercise of PEP+.

Keywords: Positive Parenting, educational practice, School-Family-Parent-Child relationship, Learning.


Resumo: Do ponto de vista de seus objectivos, é uma pesquisa descritiva de natureza aplicada objectivando em divulgar um estudo desenvolvido no município de Mbanza Kongo – Angola, o qual reflectiu sobre a promoção da prática educativa da parentalidade positiva dos pais e encarregados da educação, olhando a partir da conexão mantida entre pais-filhos e a contribuição da escola-família na promoção do exercício parental. Foi utilizado o enfoque metodológico misto qualitativo e quantitativo, com o uso do procedimento survey e as técnicas de caderno de notação, observação do campo, o aparelho gravador e a entrevista. Participaram da pesquisa 42 indivíduos seleccionados em critérios apropriados. Os principais resultados apontam que os inqueridos conhecem o conceito parentalidade positiva, mas a sua execução é ainda problema nas famílias; os factores socioeconómicos e o clima relacional são apontados como condicionantes do exercício parental. Com isso, permitiu a elaboração de um conjunto de acções psicoeducativas dirigidas aos pais encarregados da educação dos alunos adolescentes da referida escola para promover estas práticas. Olhando o diálogo permanente na estrutura familiar e a relação escola-família, proporcionando melhor aprendizado ao educando ou filho. Por último, afirmou-se que se os pais tiverem mais informações e conhecimentos básicos no seu quotidiano sobre papéis e funções das práticas parentais dentro das famílias, é possível os mesmos esmerarem suas práticas, sua forma de actuação no exercício da PEP+.

Palavras chave: Parentalidade Positiva, prática educativa, relação Escola-FamíliaPais-Filhos, Aprendizagem.


This report addresses the issue of promoting the educational practice of positive parenting (PPEP+) in the specific context, being a permanent activity exercised by parents within the family system. This also includes a set of functions and roles played by responsible parents in the education and care of their children, to provide a good socio-affective and cognitive development of children in families.

The document aims to present and divulge a study produced in the specific context of Angola, on which reflected on parenting practices. With the results obtained, a set of psycho-educational actions is designed to promote the educational practice of positive parenting by parents and guardians of adolescent students.

Throughout the contact maintained during the supervised educational practices (PES) at the school that was the object of study, some situations of insufficiency were verified, such as: the existing parent-child relationship, the relationship maintained between school-family, the parents' participation in school activities, among others. Despite being deficient situations caused by several factors of different social orders, we were moved to reflect on the subject in question.

The existence of this study is justified by the fact that there are challenging signals about the role and function of the family in education, in the identity formation of adolescent children, and in its relationship with them in guiding their future life. From there, he thought that there should be a study that would rebut this problematic, in order to promote these practices in order to help them perform their duties.

The topic is of social interest and its relevance in this context is to respond to the situation that caused the research, that is, to promote these practices to the parents and guardians of the adolescent students of the school and, furthermore, to serve as a reference model for future aspirants in this area of knowledge. The beneficiaries of this research are the participating population and the general reading public.

Theoretical Foundation

The family and the school are two environments of human development. The family space is conceived as the first socializing agent, it is also the place where people (children) learn the first lessons of life, preparing them for a social insertion. As for school, it is the place where the education started in the family is continued and scientific knowledge is learned in a regularized and formalized way. Reflecting on the union of these two contexts converges on the possibility of promoting the educational practice of positive parenting (PPEP+) that preaches good cognitive, socio-affective, and socio-emotional development to adolescent children.

Promoting the educational practice of positive parenting requires unconditional support, active participation, support, energy, and positive reinforcement in the performance of parental duties. It is a highly responsible and challenging exercise for everyone. Parental exercise happens in the family. It is not possible to talk about this practice without touching on the concept of family, given its function and social role. This is seen as a basic institution, caring for its members, assuming the responsibility of transmitting ethical and moral values, preventing and intervening in different situations. Through it, the sustainable and integral development of the members passes.

With this, studies concerning the family experienced their spread from the second half of the 20th century to the beginning of the present century (Donati, 2011). Silva & Marque (2005-2006; cited by Borso & Nunes, 2011) state that "the commonly used concept of family stems from several social and cultural aspects that present themselves in different ways, and are therefore unstable and changeable over time as social values also change" (p. 32).

This way, there is no single definition of family, the family profile is analyzed using different factors such as the social-economic, the historical evolution ect. For the French anthropologist and philosopher Lévi-Strauss (1972), the term "family" is used to define a social group originated in marriage, consisting of a husband, a wife, and the children resulting from their union.

In the systemic conception, the family is a subsystem that maintains relations with other subsystems and is a social group whose members are in constant interaction with each other and with the environment, thus outlining their behavior (MINUCHIN, 1982). The family is like "a gathering of individuals united by the ties of blood, living under the same roof or in the same set of dwellings, and in a community of service" (CESTELLAN, 1994, as cited in OLIVEIRA, 2002, p. 20).

For Oliveira (2002), as well as for Kiura, G., Gitau & Kiura, A. (2005, p. 7), the family is conceived in two approaches, the first relational, in which they consider the family "as the basic cell of society". The family begins at marriage and, in its simplest form, consists of husband and wife, with or without offspring. " The second approach is religious, whereby the family is defined as "a sanctuary of life" (see BIBLE, Gen 1:27ff).

It is in the family where one receives the first indicators that regulate the living of new members in society, which justifies considering that maternal and paternal roles are multidimensional and complex, and that they differ in different cultural contexts (Claes, 2010).

The family is dynamic, and every moment is a relational surprise in the exercise of the various roles and functions. Along these lines, Dias (2012) considers that "families are open entities and subject to sociocultural and even economic fluctuations, with family lives constantly changing" (p. 2). The contour of family lives is always new and marked by experiences. They are the ones who interfere in family relationships and are supportive in the construction of identities and play a key role in arbitrating the orientation paths of their members (DETRY & CARDOSO, 1996; FIONA, 2010).

The "guidance of its members" makes the parental function positive. And positive parenting is a recent theme as stated by Abreu (2018), which is "originally used in English-speaking countries (parents, parenting). Parenting derives from the Latin parere which means to develop, to educate" (p. 19).

For Reder, Duncan & Lucey (cited by Abreu, 2018), the concept of positive parenting can be defined as "the set of activities undertaken by parents in order to ensure the child's survival and development in the safe environment in order to promote the child's socialization and autonomy" (p. 19).

The Council of Europe (cited by Patrício, 2011) defines Positive Parenting as:

A parenting behavior based on the best interests of the child; founded on respect for his or her rights, which aims to ensure that basic needs are met, through protection from risks and the creation of an environment that promotes their harmonious development, values their Individuality (and specificity) and autonomy (p. 13).

Parenting itself is a complex concept considering the complexity of tasks represented by parents in the course of their lives. In this logic, Lima (2018), considers parenting as "the set of tasks to be performed by parents (...) which highlights the complexity of parenting and its importance for society in general and for the development of children in particular" (p. 21).

In this way, it has been argued that parenting is a set of roles or functions granted by parents so that they can watch over and care for as well as help in the development and education of their children.

Considering the high relevance and the reflection of parental exercise in family and social life, the dissemination and understanding of these functions by parents is necessary so that they can promote the development of the adolescent child in a given social group (DADAM, 2011; BENTANCOUR, 2017).

For family well-being to exist, there must be the relational capacity of other social authors, as it is described that:

The ability to relate to others (family members, teachers, peers, employers), integration into a community, feelings of well-being, emotional competence, autonomy and self-regulation, the development of a secure attachment, are all outcomes that depend on how parents perform the tasks of parenting (LIMA, 2018, p. 21).

Positive parenting is a complex exercise and to meet the proper purpose, it requires the involvement and assistance of other educational entities such as the school, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the state, the local community etc., as cemented by Bornstein (cited by Bettencourt, 2017), "parenting can be defined in terms of a community of key partners: parents, children, local and national services, and the state; that is, parenting constitutes a whole comprehensive ecology for child development" (p. 3).

Therefore, the educational practice of positive parenting (PEP+) is not without the practice of positive parenting behavior. Thus, Cruz (2014) objectifies positive parenting behavior (CPP) as follows: "behaviors that aim to promote the child and adolescent's development and manage their problem behavior in a positive way" (p. 107). The mentioned author also emphasizes that "there is no single Formula in the exercise of PEP+". It is possible, however, to highlight five fundamental educational principles in parents' actions towards their children:

  1. Satisfaction of basic needs
  2. Satisfaction of needs for affection, trust, and security
  3. Organization of a structured family environment
  4. Organization of a positive and stimulating family environment
  5. Supervision and positive discipline

Educational practice is a concept that appears broadly to encompass the role of responsible parents and educators. Educational practice (EP) in the pedagogical/didactic context refers to the initial training of education professionals (educators/teachers), dedicated in learning sets of methods and techniques to develop the educational exercise (teaching and learning). The concept of educator encompasses all people and institutions that perform the educational function with the purpose of developing a set of skills and competencies to the student, making him a social being.

In this line, the perspective is an education that looks at social development, egalitarian, fair, and that meets the social dimensions. Education in the present century goes beyond transmitting information and has the challenge of forming citizens who know how to transform information into knowledge, who know how to use this knowledge for their own benefit and that of their community (MORIN, 2004).

In this way, educational practice is attributed as a social and universal phenomenon, the responsibility of all. Its importance is to care for the formation of individuals, helping them develop their cognitive and physical abilities for a stable social life. On the other hand, the educational practice of positive parenting (PEP+) provides, in the daily life of the family and beyond, the integral development, the evolution of skills and competencies in the cognitive, socio-affective, and socio-emotional areas of adolescent children.

The concept of educational practice (PE) can create equivocation with parental education (PE) in its interpretation. PE is the exercise operated by parents to promote significant integral changes to their children, while PE becomes a necessary expedient possessed by parents to enable the transmission of values, skills, etc. In this logic, Rodrigo, Màiquez & Martin (cited by Bettencourt, 2017) define parent education as "a psychoeducational resource that seeks to promote changes at the cognitive, affective and behavioral level in parental figures" (p. 3).

From another perspective, they are positive everyday family actions taken by responsible parents within the family system. It is a parenting behavior that is based on the best interests of the child and ensures the child's growth, education, empowerment, with recognition and guidance, without violence and with setting limits to allow for full development (Council of Europe, 2006). At present, his challenge lies in the various factors that interfere in the dynamics of families, by considering that:

A set of actions that involve affection, monitoring and attention from parents towards their child; the educational practice of moral behavior can be understood as the transmission of values such as justice, generosity, honesty, among others, from the model of behavior given by parents to the child, helping the child to discriminate behaviors considered right and wrong, from the cultural values of the family (Toni & Hecaveí, 2014, p. 512).

Parenting for Machado & Morgado (cited by Bettencourt, 2017) "is a concession of family perceived as an institution primarily responsible for fostering, inhibiting, or altering children's growth and development" (p. 3).

Educational practices are those positive and negative actions that parents present to their children in the midst of their educational exercise (Gomide, 2004): The positive ones provide trust, love, and affection; and the negative ones generate conflicts between parents and children causing mistrust, stress, and abuse, among others.

Therefore, it is cemented that parental educational practice begins as soon as the birth of the first child appears. The practice of this exercise manifests itself through the upbringing provided by the children, and then moves on to another important process of parental responsibility, given by care provided to the children and assumed by the parents, all for the sake of families as the precursor spring of society.

Coutinho, et. al. (2012) points out that:

In general, when we talk about parenting education, we refer to a variety of interventions designed with the primary goal of promoting positive and effective parenting strategies, empowering parents to better exercise their parenting and thus optimizing the healthy development of their children (p. 410).

With this, the importance of the environment in which children grow up must be recognized. Indeed, the environment in which the child is born, grows and develops, the responses he gets from that environment, and the environmental stimulation he receives determine his behavior. Good development depends fundamentally on the family context in which the child grows up (COUTINHO, 2004).

In the educational exercise, parents should strive to adopt a positive upbringing, knowing that children who are deprived of consistent positive experiences in the family environment are the most lacking in reinforcing experiences when they reach school (Bahls & Ingberman, 2005; Bettencourt, 2017) that is, if children do not receive basic are throughout their childhoods, suffering physical or psychological maltreatment, these children will not know proper development and will be called children at risk in development. Therefore, parental education is proposed as an efficient method of education as a whole, and its relevance is to the development of families and society in general.

There are different parenting models and styles that can be adopted in the educational practice of positive parenting. Hence the need for parents to actively participate in parent education programs in order to assist in the education of their children.

Parent education programs facilitate intervention in families for the purpose of assisting parents or educators in the physical, social, and emotional development of children (DADAM, 2011). The adoption of a PEP+ program with concrete actions, aimed at parents in charge of education, serving as a resource to help them receive basic knowledge to deal with the education of their children.

In this sense Quingostas (cited by Bettencourt, 2017) extols that "parenting education programs allow parents to have a eal sense of exercising their parental duties and to understand how necessary it is to have a good parent-child relationship" (p. 4). The dissemination and application of such concepts avoids harmful consequences caused by the absence of such practices.

By looking at the actions developed by the different international organizations on the family, one can perceive the value and political dimension given to the family in order to safeguard its well-being. With that, it was taken as a starting point in what was referred to the Spanish newspaper El País (2007) that "until the seventeenth century, patriarchal theory conceived the family as the immediate antecedent of the state, from which its essential characteristics would come, [...] that the family was the embryo of the state [...]" (p. 31). The State that makes a commitment to its nation, becomes the main partner of the family system and its role is to provide substantial support, maintenance, family assistance, among other aspects of change and integral development in families (COUNCIL OF EUROPE, 2006). It is for this reason that the family is assured as the cradle, where the child receives the basic education that will guide him/her for his/her future life, and positive parenting substantiates this orientation, gaining greater social and political attention with families.

Internationally and nationally, it confirms the existence of documents that substantiate the phenomenon, whose goal is to ensure the protection of childhood/youth and the family (Coutinho, Seabra-Santos & Gaspar, 2012). Thus, in designing policies on family welfare, they must be based on these precepts. Considering the need for support to create a legal framework for the growth of PEP+ policies that support families in building a harmonious and holistic environment for family members. In 2006, the program called "Building a Europe for and with children" was launched as a result of the third Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Warsaw in May 2005, in which the promotion, rights and duties of the child and to eradicate all forms of violence against children, protect and safeguard the well-being of the family were cemented (LIMA, 2018). Certainly, there needs to be recognition of the need for joint and integrated efforts by governments, institutions, and society. As the C.E. states (cited by Carvalho, 2019, p.2), "parenting should be considered as a relevant area of public policy and all necessary measures should be adopted to support it, creating the necessary conditions for the exercise of Positive Parenting."

The structure designed to put a policy into practice needs to consider several variables that are intimately linked to the process. Learning in this case enters as an element that permeates both the main pillars that are the parents, considering that they have received new tools to better understand their role as parents, as well as the children who have received new guidelines from them and who are in a phase of life where learning goes hand in hand with their physical and intellectual development.

It is thanks to learning that it is possible to give adapted, effective answers in different contexts or new situations. But learning is something more than a "thing" that can be written down and observed: it is essentially a cognitive process; it is the representation we make of the situation, and this is linked to our past experiences. Thus, learning is not just paying attention to the knowledge stated by the teacher, it is not just a cumulative process; knowledge is not something that can be acquired, collected, accumulated; this would be seeing learning only as an outcome (p. 27).

Despite the existence of conditioning factors, learning is a common process for all individuals; it is learned in families, in schools, and in other societal bodies. In this sense, Pimenta et. al. (1999), state that "this process of interpretation and understanding is dependent on several personal factors, such as: involvement in the situation (affective value), how it is received, and how it is related to previous experience, to what you already know" (p. 27).

For Mota & Pereira (2008), "learning is a continuous process that occurs throughout the individual's life, from early childhood to old age" (p. 3). It is a process responsible for changing behavior, in a permanent and lasting way, that occurs through training, exercise or study, accumulating experience and skill.

Piaget (cited by Tavares & Alarcão, 1985) defines learning as a normal, harmonic and progressive process of exploration, discovery and mental reorganization, in search of personality balance (p. 103).

In this way, learning generates development. It is a complex process whose cluster observation does not omit the differences and limits, its continuity is not fixed (...), this development should be stimulated at the initial level (SANTOS, 2013).

For Braghirolli, Bisi, Rizzon & Nicoletto (2015), development "is a process that begins and only ends with death. The term development means evolution, progress, movement, change, growth" (p. 163). In this logic, learning precedes development, it is the process that leads to development, for man is born a candidate for man, but needs to learn in order to adapt and survive.

Pimenta et. al. (1999) recognize that "a relationship exists between a certain level of development and the potential capacity for learning" (p. 28). For example, "when we want to define the actual relationship between the developmental process and the potential capacity for learning, we cannot limit ourselves at the one level of development." In this effective relationship between the developmental process and the potential capacity for learning (p. 28).

Pimenta et. al. (1999) further comment that there are two levels of child development, "otherwise one will not be able to find the relationship between development and potential learning capacity in each specific case.":

The first of these levels we call the child's level of actual development, that is, the level of development of the child's psycho-intellectual functions that is achieved as a result of a specific process of development that has already taken place, but what we find is that with the help of the adult, through guided activity, the child can bring about much more than with his or her ability to understand independently (alone) and that surpasses limits of his or her current capacity.
[...] It is the level of tasks that can be accomplished with adult assistance and the level of tasks that can be done independently that define the child's area of potential development or proximal area of development. This means that with the help of this method we can get an idea of the development process up to the present moment (and the maturation processes that have already taken place), but also of the processes that are running, that are only now maturing and developing [...] (p. 29).

At the age of adolescence there is a record of some gains, by discovering the new world rich in knowledge, exploring it in a harmonious and progressive way in order to obtain balanced thinking. At this stage of life the adolescent is able to interpret different concepts, all in search of a balance in his personality that can count on the help of adults and his peers. These and other gains not mentioned will make it easier for them to learn.

Adolescents, due to the specific characteristics and particularities of this phase, encounter different challenges in their learning. It is an educational situation that requires everyone to work in harmony, cultivating learning interests, provoking teaching initiatives, curiosity, and working on the circulation of information. Learning takes place only if information is organized and sequenced in a logical way (AUSBEL, 2009).

The discussions involving the two themes (positive parenting and education) and their theoretical bases are present in the Angolan context and in the Constitution of the Republic of 2010, in its article 35, and in the Family Code, taking Law #1/88 of February 20 as reference.

Angola is a member country of UNESCO and of other international organizations, and its legal constitutional precepts are in line with those stipulated in these organizations. As stated in the Angolan Magna Carta in its Article 26 (fundamental rights), the first paragraph of this article states that "the fundamental rights set forth in this constitution do not exclude any others set forth in the applicable laws and rules of international law" (p. 12). Article 2 reinforces the following:

The constitutional and legal precepts regarding fundamental rights must be interpreted and integrated in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, and international treaties on the matter, ratified by the Republic of Angola. (Angolan Constitution CA, 2010).

The documents referred to mention the fundamental rights and duties of men and it is suggested that the countries of the cosmos should follow and opt effectively for what is recommended to safeguard in a harmonious way the integral development of the citizens: "all children have the right to education". The state must also guarantee support for vulnerable families.

In the Angolan Family Code (CFA), in its article number 1, the family is defined as "the fundamental nucleus of the organization of society, is the object of State protection, whether based on marriage or de facto union" (CFA, S/A, p. 9).

When looking at harmony and responsibility within the family, the (CFA) in article #2 (harmony and responsibility within the family), in #1 and #2 the following is guaranteed (p. 9):

With what is stated in the Constitution and in the Family Code of the Republic of Angola, it can be said that the country is within the legality of the recommendations of international treaties on family welfare.

In strengthening relationships between parents and adolescent children, as well as parenting education, reference was taken from the studies by Monhoz (2017), in which a set of 29 parenting and family education programs designed in countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Israel were analyzed.

Family support programs and the educational practice of positive parenting, according to Munhoz (2017), as a "responsible entity, a variety could be identified regarding the nature of these" (85). This means that the programs make it possible to identify different problems faced by families. With this assumption, the studies developed by Munhoz and referenced here can indeed serve as an exemplary model to be implemented in different countries. The same author and other sources consulted confirm that the educational practice of positive parenting is a political issue, it reflects on state policy and its practice manifests itself in families in particular ways.

In fact, positive parenting is the exercise of education. From this, it can be said that education is a complex concept that can be grounded in different contexts. It is seen as a result coming from another complex teaching and learning process involving subjects. Someone teaches, instructs, and others learn.

It is recognized that parents and educators do not go through the teaching and learning process to then practice positive parenting. As cemented by Lima, I. Abreu (2018) that "it is certain that there is no right way to exercise parenting, and that there are no manuals or recipes that can be imposed. Each culture and each family may have their own views and ideas that do not necessarily coincide" (p, 18). These aspects increasingly make studies on positive parenting complex and deeply thoughtful. It is a common challenge, in which the aim is to have cohesive, well-structured families capable of forming responsible members. This is only possible when we are able to explore educational practices such as promoting ongoing dialogue, making information available, fluent communication, and mutual respect.

In Angola, the practice of positive parenting in families has been a constant call by the executive and non-governmental organizations. These yes have recognized the function and role of the educational practice of positive parenting, but the term positive parenting is seen as new, as if it is a different concept with the practice of positive parenting. It is reiterated that, when dealing with a practice that occurs within families, and each member is part of the family system, the need grows for everyone to challenge the educational practice of positive parenting, which must be seen as the exercise of responsibility to all, for the following reason: today you are the educating member of the family system, and tomorrow you will be the responsible member and educator of others within the same system.

Methodologies Used

For the present research a mixed methodological approach was used. Dn the point of view of its nature, it is an applied research, as stated, to generate knowledge for practical application directed to the solution of specific problems, therefore, it involves local truths and interests. From the point of view of its objectives, it is a descriptive research, considering that the researcher records and describes the observed facts without interfering in them approaching his research object presenting its characteristic features, its people, its problems, its preparation to work, its values [...]" (TRIVIÑOS, 2012).

The chosen procedure used was survey , for periodizing the data collection, so as not to miss some important information, and the technique note field observation and observation itself. The use of the logbook, each time I had contact with the respondents, and the tape recorder to recall pertinent information. The use of observation facilitates the understanding of behavioral conduct and the relational model used with the parents of adolescent students at this school institution. To comment on the data, the results, the logical coherence, as well as the theoretical framework, the use of "content analysis" was pertinent.

With this, we worked with forty-two (42) individuals selected from the general population. As for the school community, the selection was possible with the help of the school institution. First the people that the school recognized as parents and/or guardians, because not everyone assumes the role of parent or guardian. The criterion of participation by parents in school activities was used.

From this indicator, we selected (20) twenty parents and/or guardians, who are responsible for adolescents in two 6th grade classes. Twenty (20) students from the two classes were also randomly selected to represent the others, oneone (1) school manager and one (1) social welfare officer from the district.

Discussion of Results

The analysis and interpretation of the data were done taking into account the specific objectives of the research, which are presented in a summarized form, fitting the format of this article. As extolled by Fortin (2009) that "the results must demonstrate a certain logic in relation to the research questions [...]" (p. 331). In this way, the results obtained from the questionnaire applied to parents and adolescent students are presented as percentages in relation to the totality of the researched public and from the interview applied to the school manager GE and to the person responsible for social assistance (RAS), which will be commented on.

Regarding the factors that interfere with the promotion of PEP+, 40% of the parents pointed to the socioeconomic factor and 35% of them indicated the relational climate in the family. The remainder confirms that both factors jointly interfere in the application of this practice, considering that responsible parents often do not accompany the children in school/educational activities because they are dedicated to family support activities.

Regarding the degree of kinship, 50% of the parents surveyed point out that they are children, 42% of the students point out that the existing degree is father and mother. We realize that we have a close-knit (nuclear) family. 32% of the students point out that they live only with their mother and 5% of them say they live with their father, which can translate into single-parent families. 35% of parents say that they live with stepchildren and others, 21% of teenage students point out that they have been living with uncles, aunts and others. What does extended family represent.

Of the 100%, 80% of the parents and 95% of the students, as well as the school manager and the RAS are familiar with the educational practice term of positive parenting, raising some doubts in the use of the term positive parenting. It is worth mentioning that this concept has been disseminated recently by the school itself, which may justify the high rate of knowledge of this practice, but it cannot be said that its execution inside the homes is in the same proportion. Regarding the development of PEP+ 30% of parents, 47% of students and other respondents point to doing it through ongoing dialogue. Referring to the educational practice of positive parenting, 60% of the parents rely on the collaboration of the school.

Regarding the relationship between parents and children, 45% of the parents and 75% of the students believe that there is an affectionate relationship. Given the numbers presented, this relationship should be enhanced on both sides. Out of 75% of the parents, 90% of the adolescent students, as well as the school manager and the social worker believe that PEP+ can improve the students' learning.

When it comes to the relationship between school-family and other partners, 90% of parents, 85% of students and other respondents confirm that if there were a close school-family connection and professionalized accompaniment through the promotion of PEP+, the learning of adolescent students would improve.

In addition to 45% of the parents, 45% of the teenage students, school manager and welfare officer opine that being in charge of education is really about being responsible in caring for and accompanying children in school activities as well as in other everyday tasks.

Psycho-educational Actions for Parents and Adolescent Students

According to the research done on psychoeducational actions, it has been realized that it is a set of planned content/activity with a psychological and educational slant that reflects the transformation/change in behavior (attitude, conduct) and values of individuals in order to build the personality of a given individual. Oliveira (cited by Graça, 2019) believes that:

Parenting is a continuous act of learning, often by trial and error, sometimes without a second chance to make amends, but always with the possibility of remaking ourselves, reinventing ourselves, and always in time to build a more positive relationship with our children (p. 16).

As such, having children does not mean that one knows how to deal with the complexity of the relationship, but it helps if one thinks about it (Graça, 2019). For this reason, we present the program of psycho-educational actions that includes the Project plan called Project Together United for a Positive Education (PJUEP), which is a PEP+ project of a preventive and interventional nature aimed at parents and teenage students and others. It counts on the active participation of the research population and other interesting people. With the application of the PJUEP it is hoped that participants will be able to acquire basic knowledge for parenting, in order to help their teenage children in their learning and vice versa.
Stages: diagnosis, execution, and evaluation.

Methodological Procedure and Techniques to be used

For solving the problem situation, the activities take on the categories of: as acts, activities, have meaning, participation, relationships, and situations. See the attached schedule.

Final considerations

We consulted various documents, theories, models, educational styles, parenting programs, as well as the results obtained in this work. Through these it can be stated that it is possible for parents and guardians to improve their practices, their way of acting in the exercise of PEP+, if they have basic information or knowledge about the role of parent educators within families. It is a challenging exercise for parents, educators and others "parenting evolves over time" (CRUZ, 2013).

Since PEP+ takes place in the family system, it should indeed be considered as a practice that is the responsibility of all family members. Hence the need to spread more widely the concept (word) PEP+, so that it stops being used in a partial way and, starts being used in depth and pertinently. Although the socio-economic factor is a conditioning factor in the exercise of the educational practice of positive parenting by parents, the possibility of monitoring the school progress of their children is not ruled out.

Therefore, the construction of the relational bond between school-family, parents-children with maximum help from professional entities in assistance, counseling, monitoring and family tutorial, psychological and pedagogical support, excelling in the prevention and intervention of situations that occur in the family system, returns the hope of PEP+ to parents and guardians, thus improving the learning of their children. It was also clear that PEP+ is a political issue, the state as the ultimate figure in designing family life policies, and its practice manifests itself in families in particular ways.

As limitations of this research one can point out, first of all, that, as different studies have pointed out, conducting research on the family is complex, especially the one focused on parent-child, school-family, and other family relationships. There is always something missing, something to increase, or even something to take away. Another limitation refers to the Covid-19 pandemic period that is currently being experienced and that caused an impasse in the constant travel to meet other bibliographic sources and a longer period of observation that could further sustain the work.


As for family and society, Graça (2019) considers the following:

"The changes in contemporary societies, at the social, economic and family levels, have transformed the daily life of families, which have created new challenges not only to parents in the exercise of their parenting, but also to educational professionals in the construction of new strategies to keep up with all these changes" (p. 49).

Therefore, building positive parenting is a challenge for everyone. With this, the school, family, professionals, and other social entities must look at the renewal of their performances, since, the educational function grows when working more in consonance, in the potentialization and improvement of PEP+, because this practice provides the best learning for adolescent students, making them more creative, autonomous, proactive, dynamic, productive in their daily actions, and they are able to overcome their emotional and behavioral difficulties.

To this end, the State, as the entity responsible for designing public policies linked to family life, whether at local or national level, should take a closer look at this social area, cooperating with school institutions and multidisciplinary professionals, especially in the implementation of parental education programs, in order to minimize the difficulties faced, with a view to improving the future life of citizens.

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