(2024) MLS-Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation1(1), 7-29.
Jorge Eliseo Rojas Quevedo
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (Mexico) ·
María de los Ángeles Barahona Madero
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (Mexico) ·
Abstract: This study had the objective of “Recognizing the impact of transversal projects in strengthening the educational quality of the students of the Fontibón Integrated School”. It was developed from the humanist-interpretive epistemic perspective, based on the ethnographic method in its educational variant; the type of research was descriptive, field and documentary, with a flexible, cyclical and reflective sequential methodological desing, using techniques and instruments typical of this approach, applied to six (06) key informants in order to have an in-depth knowledge of the reality studied; likewise, the analysis of the information was carried out from two levels (textual and content), applying three moments of triangulation (technical, inter-method and theoretical) to give validity and scientific rigor to the study. Among the r3esults obtained, it was possible to carry out a theoretical construction on the axial category “Social Impact”, highlighting that this allows examining the changes and transformations derived from the implementation of transformations derived from the implementation of these projects, promoting the well-being of the community or individual, from a comprehensive approach, three categories emerged from this process: evaluation, efficiency and scope. Finally, it is concluded that these strengthen the educational quality and comprehensive training of the students of this educational establishment.
Keywords: social impact, educational quality, transversal projects, education, educational institution
Resumen: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo “Reconocer el impacto de los proyectos transversales en el fortalecimiento de la calidad educativa de los estudiantes del Colegio Integrado Fontibón”. Se desarrolló desde la perspectiva epistémica humanista-interpretativa, fundamentado en el método etnográfico en su variante educativa; el tipo de investigación fue descriptiva, de campo y documental, con un diseño metodológico secuencial flexible, cíclico y reflexivo, empleando técnicas e instrumentos propios de este enfoque, aplicados a seis (06) informantes claves integrantes a fin de tener un conocimiento a profundidad de la realidad estudiada; asimismo, el análisis de la información se efectuó a partir de dos niveles (textual y de contenido), aplicando tres momentos de triangulación (técnica, inter-método y teórica) para darle validez y rigurosidad científica al estudio. Entre los resultados obtenidos se logró efectuar una construcción teórica sobre la categoría axial “Impacto Social”, destacando que esta permite examinar los cambios y transformaciones derivados de la implementación de estos proyectos promoviendo el bienestar de la comunidad o individuo, a partir de un abordaje integral; de este proceso emergieron tres categorías: evaluación, eficiencia y alcance de los mismos. Finalmente se concluye que estos fortalecen la calidad educativa y la formación integral en los estudiantes de este establecimiento educativo.
Palabras clave: impacto social, calidad educativa, proyectos transversales, educación, institución educativa
Today's society is characterized by continuous changes as a result of economic, social, political, educational, cultural and technological advances, among others, which over time have made it possible to respond to the needs of social contexts, generating transformations that allow the population to achieve a better quality of life and well-being. One of the areas that has the greatest impact on these processes is education, which occurs both "non-formally" through the family and society in general, and "formally" through educational institutions at all levels.
In this regard, (Tocora and García, 2018), emphasize that education is of great importance, in that it prepares human beings for life in society, requiring very diverse learning, knowledge, skills, norms and values, which characterize them as members of a cultural community, people or nation; it is present in all stages of their lives through "a process of socialization of a permanent, dynamic and contradictory nature, in which multiple actors called agents and agencies intervene" (p. 1).
Thus, education is one of the processes that human beings have developed through time, in order to transmit from generation to generation the knowledge obtained in each sociocultural period; it has evolved with the same society, from being an empirical fact based on the socialization of the family and consolidated in educational institutions at various levels, using a set of actions, according to the different sectors of economic, political, cultural, and social development of a country.
For their part, (Díaz, 2008; cited by Martí, Y., Montero B., & Sánchez, K.; 2018), emphasize that education has a social function, aimed at preserving, guaranteeing and controlling social facts, from the socialization process that allow "transmitting, preserving, promoting and consolidating behavior patterns, ideas and socially accepted values, creating in this process a superior quality, translated into new values for the interpretation of new realities that each generation builds" (p. 260).
Therefore, education is considered a fundamental right at all stages of the human evolutionary cycle, due to its relevance and transcendence in the life of human beings, having a special impact on children and adolescents; according to the (International Children's Emergency Fund, UNICEF; n/d), it emphasizes that it " provides them with skills and knowledge necessary to develop as adults and also gives them tools to know and exercise their other rights" (p. s/n). On the other hand, the violation of this right leads the population to remain in the circle of poverty, be more vulnerable to unemployment, involvement in criminal activities, teenage or unplanned pregnancies, among other problems that hinder the integral development of individuals and society in general.
As for "formal education", this has evolved over time, establishing new methods, techniques, as well as forms of management; all this in order to ensure comprehensive care and educational quality to the student population, within the framework of healthy school coexistence and the proper use of resources allocated by the Colombian State to different organizations, being the case under study those attached to the Secretariat of Education of the Districts (SED) of the Departments of Colombia, whose service, according to the Political Constitution of 1991, is "public".
In this way, "educational quality", constitutes one of the processes that guarantees achieving the objectives proposed within formal education, which is defined by the (Ministry of National Education, 2018), as an approach in which it seeks to "develop in students the learning, personal and social competencies that allow them to act in a democratic, peaceful and inclusive manner in society" (p. s/n). Likewise, it is proposed that, in this context, it should promote innovation and entrepreneurship processes, as well as the development of skills that strengthen students, fostering the continuous improvement of the country's educational system.
One of the main challenges facing Colombia is "educational quality", which according to (Ávalos, Arbaiza Ajenlo, 2021), implies a rigorous process that requires the deployment of a set of actions, establishment of indicators and criteria that promote "excellence" in the achievement of a process or product; in the educational field, these authors emphasize that in addition to achieving the above, it is necessary to guarantee high-level training spaces and accessibility for the entire population.
In Colombia, the (Ministry of Education, 2018), highlights that educational quality, is "that which develops in students the learning, personal and social competencies that allow them to act in a democratic, peaceful and inclusive manner in society" (p. s/n). In this sense, it is based on training for the active exercise of citizenship and human rights, through a policy that promotes and strengthens school coexistence, specifying that each experience that students live in educational establishments is definitive for the development of their personality and will mark their ways of building their life project; therefore, the satisfaction that each child, adolescent and young person achieves and the meaning that, through learning, they give to their lives, depends not only on their well-being but also on the collective well-being.
In this way, the importance of educational quality based on the transformation of classrooms, on meaningful practices educational quality based on the transformation of classrooms, on meaningful practices, on the agreement of coexistence rules and the maturation of learning as a strategy to prepare students to acquire the necessary knowledge for their integral formation; likewise, through this approach, administrative management is also addressed, since the creation and execution of these projects requires a process that is well directed, organized and administered, in order to generate an articulation with all the educational pillars.
In this context, the Colombian State, intends to promote a "quality education ", defined by the Ministry of Education (2018), as the model "that forms better human beings, citizens with ethical values, respectful of the public, who exercise human rights, fulfill their duties and live together in peace. An education that generates legitimate opportunities for progress and prosperity for the country" (p. s/n). The same is established in Decree 1075 of 2015, which proposes pedagogical techniques that allow planning, developing and evaluating the curriculum in educational establishments, with the purpose of improving the quality of the teaching-learning process and the integral development of the student.
For this reason, the Ministry of Education has established a set of actions based on the transformation of classrooms, on meaningful practices, on the agreement of coexistence norms and learning maturity as preparation strategies for the "saber tests" of each cycle; likewise, administrative management is addressed, since the creation and execution of these projects requires a process that is well directed, organized and administered, in order to generate an articulation with all the educational pillars.
One of the strategies used to achieve these objectives is instituted by the "Transversal Pedagogical Projects (PPT)", which are framed in the Education Law established in Article 14 of Law 115 of 1994, ratified in Decree 1075 of 2015. According to the (Secretary of Education of Medellin, n.d.), these "promote a pedagogical approach that enables learning, the appropriation of concepts and methodologies by the educational communities and their environments for the promotion, promotion and creation of relevant and effective strategies" (p.s/n). In this way, the Colombian State plans to promote the implementation of these initiatives, the educational and cultural transformation of the country.
According to the above, the transversal pedagogical projects constitute an activity within the curriculum with the purpose of accompanying the student to the solution of problems of their environment, selected through a previous diagnosis that meets the social, scientific, cultural and technological needs of the student. In this context, these strategies are adjusted to the needs of each socio-cultural context in which the different educational institutions are located, in order to contribute to the improvement of the academic performance and educational quality of the organization.
In this sense, the Colegio Integrado de Fontibon, located in Bogota, Capital District of Colombia, has been deploying a set of Transversal Pedagogical Projects, which meets the lines established by the Ministry of National Education, managing to prevent and mitigate psychosocial risks present in the families and environments where students develop that affect their academic performance, among which are: consumption of alcohol, tobacco and psychoactive substances, school violence, low academic performance and school dropout, teenage pregnancy, as well as healthy coexistence. Given the importance of the implementation of educational quality in the different processes in public educational institutions, the present study was aimed at: "To recognize the impact of cross-cutting projects in strengthening the educational quality of the students of Colegio Integrado Fontibón".
This study was developed from the humanist-interpretative epistemic perspective (Morales, 2015, Doubront, 2021), based on the ethnographic method in its educational variant (Martínez, 2009; Cotán, 2020), in order to deepen and build knowledge of the reality studied on the experiences and experiences of the subjects immersed in this reality, in this case the members of the educational community of Colegio Integrado Fontibón (management, teachers and students); likewise, the type of research was descriptive, field and documentary, the latter allowed contrasting the narratives of the interviewees with the analysis of different bibliographic sources, national and international legal instruments and the Institutional Educational Project (PEI).
For its implementation, a flexible, cyclical and reflective sequential methodological design was used, relying on the techniques and instruments of this approach (Morales, 2015), applied to six (06) key informants (four coordinators and teachers of Transversal Projects and two students of 7th and 11th grade), in order to have different perceptions about this fact. The analysis of the results was carried out at two levels: a) Textual (based on simple descriptive statistics of the categories and sub-categories that emerged from the stories) and b) Content: comparison of the results obtained with authors and documents, in order to carry out a conceptual analysis of the categories (theorization), generating new knowledge derived from the reality studied; this process was evaluated through three triangulation processes: (technical, inter-method and theoretical), allowing to reach the criteria of validity and scientific rigor to the research.
In order to respond to the objective of the research aimed at "Recognizing the impact of cross-cutting projects in strengthening educational quality in the comprehensive education of students at Colegio Integrado Fontibón", a set of categories and sub-categories derived from the narratives of the interviewed subjects was obtained. These include: a) Transversal Pedagogical Projects and Educational Quality, and b) Impact of transversal projects on the strengthening of educational quality in students, which are described below:
Category: Knowledge of Transversal Pedagogical Projects and Educational Quality
This category refers to the knowledge that the interviewed subjects have about the two categories of analysis of the studied reality; in this regard, (Ramírez, 2009; cited by Ospino, Fuentes and Gómez, 2020), it is "the conscious and intentional act to apprehend the qualities of the object and is primarily referred to the subject, the "Who knows", but it is also referred to the thing that is its object, the "What is known" (p. 217). According to this author, there are several forms of knowledge, the empirical - vulgar, obtained from everyday life and the socialization process, and the scientific, product of a rigorous process in order to understand and explain the situations that affect them.
In this sense, from the narratives expressed by the interviewed subjects, it was possible to obtain a set of meanings given on how they perceive, interpret and construct it, giving rise to two sub-categories of analysis (See Figure 1), which are described below:
Figure 1
Knowledge about Transversal Pedagogical Projects and Educational Quality in students
Note: Rojas Quevedo (2024).
Sub-category: Transversal Pedagogical Projects of Colegio Integrado Fontibón
As pointed out by (Agudelo and Flores; cited by Garzón, 2016), these are defined as an educational planning strategy with a global approach that takes into account the components of the curriculum and is based on the needs and interests of children and young people and the school, in order to provide them with an improved education in terms of quality and equity. For its part, the (Departmental Education Secretariat of the Government of Atlántico), the Transversal Pedagogical Projects created in Article 14 of Law 115 of 1994 are: Environmental education, sexual education and human rights (education for justice, peace, democracy, solidarity, fraternity, cooperativism and the formation of human values).
In accordance with Colombian regulations, for the elaboration of the Transversal Pedagogical Projects, it is recommended that the needs arise from the educational institutions, or projects that require support to ensure the development and consolidation of the activities planned by the working group; for this purpose, a set of activities are elaborated that allow the design, execution and evaluation based on the active participation of all members of the educational community (teachers, students, parents and representatives, administrative personnel and general services) in the same.
According to the narratives of the interviewed subjects, it was possible to recognize the knowledge they have about the theoretical-legal aspects, which make up the Transversal Pedagogical Projects implemented at Colegio Integrado Fontibón, evidencing a knowledge adjusted to the Colombian legal regulations, as pointed out by the Secretary of Education of Medellín (s/f), of the Atlantic Department (2023), Garzón (2016); as well as the institutional one, established in the Institutional Educational Project (PEI, 2020), characterizing them as follows:
Sub-category: Educational Quality and Transversal Projects
As pointed out by (Ávalos, Arbaiza, Ajenlo, 2021) and the Colombian Ministry of Education (2021), "educational quality" is the transformation of the teaching-learning process, based on meaningful experiences that promote the integral formation of the student; it also involves administrative management in the formulation and execution of transversal pedagogical projects, promoting an articulation with all the educational pillars. In this sense, it was possible to observe in the narratives of the interviewed subjects, a scientific knowledge about the studied reality, which has been complemented with the experience obtained in the exercise of teaching and formation of their professional praxis, highlighting the following aspects that characterize this conceptual definition:
Impact of transversal projects on the strengthening of educational quality in the integral education of students
According to (Ruíz, Becerra and Pons, 2022), this category refers to exploring "the important and long-term changes introduced as a result of the project in the lives of the beneficiary population" (p. s/n). Similarly, (Vanga, Santamaría, Ruíz and Palomeque, 2019), emphasize that the impact is a mechanism that allows knowing the transformations derived from the projects that affect the welfare of the community or individual, whose purpose is to provide feedback and guidance for decision making and generate improvement alternatives if necessary. It is also important to note that even though the actions implemented are intended to promote a positive and intentional character, in some cases they could have a negative effect, which is why the development of this process is of great importance
In this sense, for this study, the evaluation of the impact of cross-cutting educational projects involves not only the direct beneficiary population, in our case the educational community, but also the adjacent communities as a population indirectly favored by these activities. In relation to this category, we were able to identify three sub-categories of analysis that emerged from the narratives of the interviewed subjects (see Figure 2), which are described below:
Figure 2
Impact of cross-cutting projects on strengthening the quality of education for students
Note: Rojas Quevedo (2024).
Sub-Category: Evaluation of Transversal Projects
This constitutes a phase within the implementation of any socio-educational project, having several aspects to consider; in this regard (Ander-Egg, 2017), defines it as a: "systematic, flexible and functional operation, which is carried out in every process of professional intervention" (p.s/n). For their part, (Libera, 2007; cited by Vanga, Santamaría, Ruíz and Palomeque, 2019), refer that evaluation "is a process that makes it possible to know the effects of a project or program in relation to the proposed goals and the resources mobilized" (p. 36).
In relation to the evaluation of the impact of social projects, (Ruíz, Becerra and Pons, 2022), point out that this constitutes "a suitable tool for determining the effects that development projects can produce, so the need for its multidimensional approach is increasingly recognized" (p. s/n). According to the authors, this vision allows for the development of a comprehensive process to determine the desired results for the people and institutions served. For its execution, a set of elements were identified, which are part of its implementation (See Figure 3), among which the following stand out:
Figure 3
Sub-Category: Evaluation of Transversal Projects
Note: Rojas Quevedo (2024).
Financial and human resources
According to (Ander - Egg, 2017; Vanga, et al 2019), they highlight that these constitute the "means available to perform an action, goods or means of subsistence. In planning, the human, financial, material, technical, institutional and social resources available to carry out the plan" (p. s/n). For the design and implementation of cross-cutting projects at Colegio Integrado Fontibón, the following resources were identified in the narratives of the interviewed subjects:
Similarly, the importance of recognizing the management of resources allocated to the development of cross-cutting projects was highlighted; in this regard, (Vanga, et al 2019), emphasize that this is one of the main aspects to be taken into account at the time of evaluation, which must be executed by those responsible for the project, constituting one of the criteria that will allow establishing the effectiveness and efficiency of these. In this sense, according to the opinions of the interviewed subjects, it was possible to recognize the following actions deployed in the implementation of cross-cutting projects at Colegio Integrado Fontibón:
Participation of the educational community
The development of transversal projects, according to (Heredia, 2020), implies the "participation and commitment of the community in educational management" (p. s/n); this fact recognizes the direct, personal and linked action of different actors among which the family, educational institutions, community organizations, local, regional and national entities, among others, contribute to the implementation of projects, programs and plans, based on strategies within the framework of citizen, community and social participation.
According to the above, both by the interviewees and in correspondence with the statements of (Heredia, 2020), the development of the transversal pedagogical projects promotes the participation of the educational community, allowing the integration of the members of the different sites and days of the Colegio Integrado Fontibón in the development of the same, favoring greater scope to the same. Likewise, from a managerial strategy, the participation of governmental entities such as the Ministry and the Secretary of Education is necessary.
In the framework of project evaluation, according to (Ander- Egg, 2017), this criterion is linked to the concept of equality, aimed at placing resources at the service of those who need them most. For his part, (Hernández, 2015), defines this aspect and relates it to the attention to people, in a differentiated manner recognizing their individual characteristics and their social environment, with the aim of generating maximum learning opportunities. Thus, it implies a compensatory approach in which more is provided to those who need it most.
Taking into account the opinions and stories of the interviewed subjects, in correspondence with the authors, equity is highlighted as a criterion of great relevance in the implementation of the transversal projects at Colegio Integrado Fontibón, for which the following actions are taken into account:
Management Strategies
Another aspect to consider within the evaluation of cross-cutting projects, is referred to the managerial strategies used in the execution of the same; in this regard, (García, Duran, Hernández and Moreno, 2018), point out that these constitute fundamental elements in the administrative processes of any organization, these guide the actions deployed to achieve the objectives of the organization. In this sense, it is considered that based on these tools, the scope of the projects, plans and programs of the educational establishments are established; in this regard, the subjects interviewed and the authors mentioned, the following results were obtained:
Sub-Category: Efficiency of cross-cutting projects
According to (Ander-Egg, 2017), efficiency in socio-educational projects constitutes indicators that establish the impact of the objectives with the goals achieved, highlighting the adequate use that has been given to the resources (human, material, technical and financial), used in the development of the same; being one of the main components of educational quality. For its part, Unesco (Unesco, undated; cited by Morales, Zúñiga and García, undated), this "refers to the relationship between the expected educational objectives and the learning achieved, through the optimal use of the resources allocated for this purpose" (p. s/n).
Thus, the "Efficiency" of the transversal projects implemented at Colegio Integrado Fontibón refers to the achievement of the established objectives and the strengthening of the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by the students and other members of these projects within the established period of time. In the present study, this category is made up of five sub-categories (Figure 4), which are described below:
Figure 4
Category: Efficiency of cross-cutting projects
Note: Rojas Quevedo (2024).
Comprehensive Training and Student Profile
This aspect refers to reflecting on the importance of integral education and the student profile as indicators of the efficiency of cross-cutting projects and educational quality in educational institutions. In this regard, (San Pedro, Vales, Molina and López, 2019), emphasize that education is a process that promotes a comprehensive training, which integrates the intellectual, moral, emotional dimension, as well as physical and mental health, among others, guided by educational institutions (school or university); in this way, this fact requires that the student is not a passive subject or recipient of knowledge, on the contrary, empowered, participatory and responsible for it.
As for the Student Profile of Colegio Integrado Fontibón, it is described in the Institutional Educational Project "Formation of citizens with values and dynamic performance within society (2020 -2025)", as follows: autonomous, enterprising, lucid and proactive people, knowledgeable of human rights, with moral and social values, promoting actions of solidarity, tolerance, critical, responsible, with social sense and managers of peace and healthy coexistence, formed with humanist principles and approaches of respect for inclusion and diversity, allowing them to be agents of change for the creation of a society that allows their welfare and quality of life; reaching their comprehensive cognitive (intellectual), physical, artistic, cultural training; as well as skills and competencies to meet the challenges of today.
In this framework, this aspect, emerged among the narratives of the interviewees, in correspondence of the authors previously exposed, it is evident that, through the implementation of the transversal projects, the integral formation and the profile of the students is promoted and with it the educational quality of the Colegio Integrado Fontibón, highlighting the following aspects:
The above-described, allows us to evidence the positive impact that the implementation of the transversal pedagogical projects has on the integral formation of the different challenges of life, according to the profile of the student of the educational institution
Institutional projection and competitiveness
One of the main elements of the "Efficiency" of the transversal projects is the institutional projection that they promote and that strengthen the educational quality of the educational establishment. In this sense, (Aquino, 2023), this refers to the different plans, services and programs that affect not only the members of the educational community, but also adjacent families and communities to provide assistance and welfare.
With respect to "educational competitiveness", (Rodríguez, Navarrete, Valverde and Gayrey, 2019), state that this constitutes "the preconceived path to the search for new knowledge that generates innovation... One is competent by being more professional in the tasks and competitive by producing and innovating more knowledge in them" (p. s/n). In this way, it is proposed that educational institutions should generate a set of services that allow for a comprehensive education in accordance with the demands and needs of society.
According to the interviewed subjects, the transversal projects implemented at Colegio Integrado Fontibón have allowed to achieve "Institutional projection and competitiveness", actions that strengthen institutional quality, achieving this aspect through the following actions:
Internal validity of cross-cutting projects
According to (Morales, 2015), validity is a criterion established in the field of social research, to generate the degree of confidence and scientific rigor that the results of the process carried out fit the reality studied; it involves various methods and instruments attending to the epistemic perspective on which the study is based. In the case of socio-educational projects, this is achieved when the objectives that guide them reach the goals obtained and are validated by the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the programs, who experience the achievements obtained and the changes made as a result of the intervention process.
In the present study, internal validity is reflected by the teachers coordinating the cross-cutting projects, directors and students, who in their narratives highlight the following aspects:
External Validity
Continuing the analysis of the category, efficiency, the sub-category external validity was obtained, which (Morales, 2015), states that in socio-educational programs, they respond to the extent to which they promote changes in the communities and contexts addressed, according to the objectives proposed at the beginning of the intervention. In the case study, in the external validity of cross-cutting projects, we consider the contributions made by the interviewed subjects, who highlighted the following aspects:
The above described, allows establishing some elements that contribute to give external validity to the socio-educational intervention generated from the transversal projects implemented allowing consolidating the effectiveness of the educational quality of the Colegio Integrado Fontibón; which are exposed below:
Continuous Improvements
Finally, in the analysis of the elements present in the efficiency category, within the framework of the educational quality model, the sub-category of "continuous improvements" emerges; which is defined by (Campbell and Rozsnyai, cited by Torres Fernández, 2017), as a central aspiration linked to the academic task, established by the members of the educational community themselves, to the extent that this process is complex, this action allows achieving greater efficiency and performance in academic processes.
In view of the above, it should be noted that the "continuous improvements" arise from the annual evaluation processes of the transversal projects, allowing the identification of the strengths and weaknesses presented in their implementation; likewise , they allow the achievements and innovation obtained in the implementation of the transversal projects to be evidenced, which enrich the quality management and make the institution more competitive with other institutions, as well as more attractive to students.
Sub-Category: Scope of cross-cutting projects
Another of the concepts to be considered in the evaluation of cross-cutting projects, which emerged from the stories, was the criterion of "scope", which according to the (Real Academia Española, n.d.), expresses "significance, effect or transcendence of something" (p.s/n). For the purposes of this study, this sub-category is considered as the achievement of the objectives of the projects oriented by the guidelines set forth in the current regulations that govern their design and implementation, as well as those based on the Institutional Educational Project (PEI) of the educational establishment. In this regard, the following was obtained:
Values and commitment of teachers
This aspect is closely related to the mission and vision described in the Institutional Educational Project (PEI, 2020), of Colegio Integrado Fontibón, by guiding the actions of the board of directors, academic council, teachers and students in their integral formation, based on a "pedagogical proposal that forms competent people within their context who actively collaborate in society, thanks to their formation in values, reflected in their human quality. The results obtained in the analysis of this sub-category show that the scope of these projects is obtained from the following situations:
Discussion and conclusions
Once the process of analysis and interpretation of the results was completed, a set of meanings were identified, which respond to the objective of the research referred to "Recognizing the impact of cross-cutting projects in strengthening the educational quality of the students of the Colegio Integrado Fontibón". In this sense, two categories of analysis emerged:
Regarding the knowledge on Transversal Pedagogical Projects and Educational Quality, it was possible to evidence the theoretical, conceptual and legal management of the categories of analysis that the interviewed subjects have, based on their academic training, as well as on the national institutional and legal guidelines (Political Constitution of Colombia (1991), National Ministry of Education and other territorial entities) and international guidelines (Convention on Human Rights (UN), American Convention on Human Rights (OAS), Sustainable Development Goals (UN), among other authors.
In this regard, it was recognized that cross-cutting projects seek to generate educational processes that allow a comprehensive training of students (socio-affective / academic / institutional / family), from the design of plans and activities that transversely and interdisciplinary involves all areas of knowledge (intellectual cognitive area), but must also incorporate the axiological (institutional values), skills and competencies in the different components of the curriculum, to meet the different challenges imposed by their socio-cultural dynamics in their different evolutionary stages, taking as thematic axes: environmental education, sexual education and human rights (justice, peace, democracy, solidarity, fraternity, cooperativism and the formation of human values).
It was also noted that the elaboration of the Transversal Pedagogical Projects is based on the problems that emerge from the needs of the members of the educational institutions and surrounding communities. For this reason, it is necessary to use participatory methodologies or projects that allow the design, execution and evaluation of these projects, under the direction, work table, the institution's board of directors and academic council, as well as (teachers, students, parents and representatives, administrative and general services personnel) in the same.
Similarly, we were able to investigate the knowledge that the interviewed subjects have about "Educational Quality", highlighting that it is a process that has been present in the history of humanity, evolving according to each moment and socio-historical context, which has been called "quality of education", and is currently present in the international and national political agenda, for its impact on the development of society, creating instruments and guidelines to guide the policies that the States will implement to guarantee this right from the differential and integral approaches.
On the other hand, the subjects interviewed highlighted the category "educational quality", pointing out that it integrates many aspects as an evaluative process to be considered, mainly the positioning of the institution in local, national and international tests (Saber Test, Synthetic Index of Educational Quality -ISCE, PISA, among others); as well as the way it impacts university entrance and the capacity of students to be competitive in the global world.
Another factor that emerged from the results obtained, is how through the "educational quality" of the teaching/learning process deployed at Colegio Integrado Fontibón, it promotes the integration of community and academic interests, responding to the needs of the student population, strengthening the different socio-cultural environments that surround it. In this sense, the pedagogical projects are pedagogical strategies used to strengthen the educational quality of this institution, through which the study plans are planned, developed and evaluated, aimed at solving different problems and needs of both the educational community and the socio-environmental environment, psycho-social risk factors that affect the good performance of the students of the institution.
Another category that emerged from the stories interviewed is the "Impact of cross-cutting projects on the strengthening of educational quality in the comprehensive education of students"; in this regard, it was possible to define how this fact allows examining the changes and transformations resulting from the implementation of projects that affect the welfare of the community or individual directly and indirectly, as well as to investigate that their implementation can generate positive or negative consequences.
Another conceptual element obtained was related to the socio-educational intervention process derived from these experiences, a fact that allows for feedback and guidance for decision making and the generation of improvement alternatives, if necessary; also, that these are based on an integral approach. In the case study, three categories that encompass this process were identified:
a. Evaluation of the Transversal Projects: which constitutes a process that is carried out in a transversal manner from its beginning to its culmination, in every socio-educational project, with particular characteristics taking into account the approach that underlies it; it implies research actions - reflection on each element of the executed project; in this regard, the following elements were highlighted:
b. Efficiency of the transversal projects: this category is part of one of the dimensions of educational quality, which reflects the achievement of the objectives with the goals attained; in relation to the case under study, it refers to the achievement of the established objectives and the strengthening of the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by the students and other members that integrate these projects implemented at the Colegio Integrado Fontibón, in the established period of time. Among the elements that emerged from this process, the following were identified:
c. Scope of the transversal projects: this component of the social impact of the transversal projects implemented at Colegio Integrado Fontibón, allowed to establish their effect or transcendence; highlighting the consolidation of their objectives, based on the strengthening of a high commitment of teachers and the institution, as well as their projection in other scenarios.
In the same vein, it became evident how the implementation of cross-cutting projects promotes dialogue, interaction, assertive communication and participation among the different actors involved, generating a social impact, as well as strengthening the educational quality of the institution, strengthening the comprehensive education of students.
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