(2024) MLS-Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation,1(1), 46-55.
Samuel Eliseo Moreno Castillo
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (Mexico) ·
Abstract: The concept of educational guidance will be reviewed, then that of a person with a disability, concluding with the contribution of educational guidance to university students with a disability. It is a theoretical review; the sample considers authors who have published in indexed scientific journals. The Google academic search engine was used as a means of collection, selecting the most significant studies. The research question is: How does educational guidance contribute to university students with disabilities? The research design is qualitative and phenomenological. It is concluded that there is an opportunity for improvement in the articulation of educational guidance between secondary and university education, deficiencies in curricular adjustments of the regulatory framework associated with inclusion, and positions the university teacher as a key actor in the work of guiding during the trajectory, training, in conjunction with support units, the family and the educational community in general.
Keywords: inclusion, educational guidance, person with a disability.
Resumen: Se revisará el concepto de orientación educativa, luego el de persona en situación de discapacidad, concluyendo con el aporte de la orientación educativa en los estudiantes universitarios en situación de discapacidad. Es una revisión teórica, la muestra considera autores que han publicado en revistas científicas indexadas. Como medio de recolección se utilizó el buscador Google académico, seleccionando los estudios más significativos. La pregunta de investigación es: ¿Cómo aporta la orientación educativa a los estudiantes universitarios en situación de discapacidad? El diseño de investigación es cualitativo y fenomenológico. Se concluye que existe una oportunidad de mejora en la articulación de la orientación educativa entre la enseñanza secundaria y universitaria, carencias en adecuaciones curriculares del marco normativo asociado a la inclusión, y posiciona al docente universitario como actor clave en la labor de orientar durante la trayectoria formativa, en conjunto con unidades de apoyo, la familia y comunidad educativa en general.
Palabras clave: inclusión, orientación educativa, persona en situación de discapacidad.
Today, we are witnessing a society that contains a paradox. On the one hand, we present a never-before-seen abundance of information, unlimited internet, greater access to education and instant communication in a globalized world, but, associated with this, new characteristics and challenges arise, such as interculturality, the relevant use of ICTs, the demand for gender equity, inclusion and adequate attention to people with disabilities. All of the above makes it necessary for there to be an assertive educational orientation so that students can decide in relation to the enormous number of options proposed by the atomized world of postmoderity.
This study deals with a condition that has always existed, but that today has become more visible, such as people with disabilities, and how educational guidance can support these subjects in their transition through higher education. Having said the above, educational guidance and diversity are related, trying to answer the following research question: how does educational guidance contribute to university students with disabilities?
The general objective is to know the contribution of educational guidance for students with disabilities in their higher education process.
The specific objectives are: 1) Understanding the concept of educational guidance, 2) Understanding the concept of disability and, 3) Review of contributions from educational guidance to people with disabilities in their university education.
In order to achieve the general and specific objectives, we have resorted to the review of authors who have published in indexed scientific journals, collected from the academic googlesearch engine, which deal with the subject and constitute a theoretical contribution to the subject of study.
The study is eminently theoretical and tries to thread together the opinions and studies of different authors to provide a coherent answer to the research question.
The theoretical position considered for this work is that, although it is still in its "infancy", educational guidance is key to enable adequate university academic progression of students with disabilities. Having said this, there is still a long way to go, since guidance has focused on responding to problems that arise at the beginning of the educational process in the framework of the decision of the career to follow, or at the end of it, referred to the decision in favor of insertion into the labor market, but very little progress has been made in the training process, specifically in two core issues, the professionalization of teachers' guidance and the adaptation of the curriculum and pedagogical models.
In order to answer the research question and objectives, we have reviewed the studies of a number of authors who have published in recognized and indexed scientific journals. For the search of the information, the academic google search engine was used, where, using key words, an adequate number of studies were found, selecting the most representative ones for the subject treated.
Being a literature review, the research is based on qualitative methodology which "consists of detailed descriptions of situations, events, people, interactions and behaviors that are observable. In addition, it incorporates what the participants say, their experiences, their attitudes, beliefs, thoughts and reflections, as expressed by themselves" (Pérez, 1994, p. 46). As a philosophical basis it considers phenomenology, being in turn a descriptive study, which, according to Fernández, Hernández and Baptista, (2014, p. 98) "seeks to specify the important properties of people, groups, communities or any other phenomenon that is subjected to analysis".
The study presented in this opportunity is eminently theoretical as it seeks to understand, through the analysis of authors, the concepts associated with educational guidance and disability, and to know how they are related to meet the demands of university students with disabilities. Considering the above, the sample is made up of authors who have published in Spanish-language, indexed, electronic scientific journals of prestige in the field of social sciences.
The analysis of the results obtained from the bibliographic review of the selected authors who have published in indexed electronic journals will be carried out in the following order: First, we will seek to understand the concept of vocational guidance, linking with it the objective one of this study; then we will try to understand the concept of person with disabilities, addressing the objective two; finally, we will review the state of the art of the contributions that educational guidance has shaped in favor of the university progression of students with disabilities, thus responding to the specific objective three of this paper.
Concept of educational orientation
Alfonso and Serra (2016, p.17), in their article Why is educational guidance necessary in today's university, conducted a theoretical analysis of the concept of educational guidance by drawing on several experts in the field. In the study, the authors bring to light the definition of Vélaz de Medrano (2002) who conceives it as a set of knowledge, methodologies and theoretical principles, with the objective of facilitating and promoting the integral development of the subjects throughout the different evolutionary stages of their lives, with the involvement of the different educational agents (counselors, tutors, teachers, family) and social agents. Santana (2009) considers it as an assistance process inserted in the educational activity that aims to contribute to the integral development of the student, in order to enable him/her to learn autonomously.
Molina (2004) reviews a series of sources and theoretical perspectives that approach the most adequate definition of educational guidance. As a synthesis of the conceptual path of his study, he conceives educational guidance as:
An interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary process based on the principles of preventive intervention, development and attention to the diversity of the student, whose educational agents (counselors, parents, teachers-tutors, family and community) assume the function of facilitating and promoting their integral development so that they become transformers of themselves and their environment [...] In this line, it is proposed that the formation of the subject cannot be separated from its affective and experiential component. (p. 10).
Pérez and Hernández (2018), conducted a study in the universities of Holguín and Cienfuegos in Cuba, where they analyze the association between orientation and students in vulnerable conditions. In their paper, the authors theoretically and methodologically associate the concept of educational guidance with the postulates of cultural-historical psychology proposed by Vygotsky, specifically related to the dialectic between overcoming difficulties and adaptation. To support the above, it is established that the achievement of the "zone of proximal development", widely discussed by the author, is achieved with the necessary participation of a mediator, in this case the teacher and/or counselor. Pérez and Hernández (2018, p. 84) tell us that, under this logic, educational guidance "is structured in three general stages [...] these are: the characterization and diagnosis, the projection of assistance activities and the execution with a systematic process of control and updating."
Sánchez, López and Alfonso (2018) generated a publication where, from various theoretical edges, they present an approach to the foundation of the relationship between educational guidance and the professional pedagogical activity of the university teacher and outline a profile of the guidance teacher. In their study, the authors indicate that educational guidance should be understood in its broadest sense, that is, from a holistic, comprehensive and critical perspective, involving the entire educational community, that is, psychologists, psychopedagogues, students, families, principals, and especially teachers, since the key to its success lies in the understanding that teachers should have of the nature of guidance and their appropriate intervention in the processes.
Guevara and Herrera (2012, p. 151) in their article seek to identify the theoretical and methodological references that support the process of educational guidance in the university from the guiding role of the teacher to integrate the family to the training process of the professional in the Cuban context. In their study they determine that educational guidance should be understood as "a process of help directed to all people, which aims to prevent difficulties and enable the student's personal and academic development".
Pérez, Fundora and Palmero (2011), in their article, set out to provide a theoretical basis for the concepts of educational guidance and tutorial action linked to the university context, as well as their main characteristics and functions. In their study, they recognize that the definition of the concept of educational guidance will depend on the approach with which it is analyzed, whether it is humanistic, personal-social or historical-cultural.
Morales (2020, p. 173), in his article seeks to expose, through a theoretical review, the benefits of educational guidance in the 21st century. In his study he states that, in the current discriminatory context, educational guidance should be an alternative to guarantee the culture of peace and the recognition of diversity as an asset for society. In his words: "To orient is to bring the individual closer to the appropriation of a series of cultural and social elements that guarantee his functioning in complex contexts, in which he is expected to act recognizing the other from an empathetic position, capable of seeing him as a subject of rights, with equal attributes.
Concept of person with a disability
Luque and Rodríguez (2008, p. 272), through their article, intend to encourage reflection on the role of Educational Guidance, Teachers and the University Community in general, in their relationship with disability, from the experience and actions of the Support Service for Students with Disabilities of the University of Malaga. In their paper, the authors indicate that "disability is accepted as a state or situation, in which there is a lower degree of ability or performance in the development of capabilities, due to an interaction of individual and contextual factors", moving away from the classical medical definition, to enter the educational field.
Molina, De Bedoya and Sanchez (2011), in their qualitative and descriptive study, which considered a sample of 30 university professors who have taught students with disabilities, 20 students with disabilities, and their families, indicate that the strategy of attention to diversity has led us to reconceptualize the term, using it to refer to those people who, due to their sensory, motor, intellectual or emotional conditions, have disabilities and are limited in their ability to function "normally"; therefore, they need to be integrated into the educational context, achieving equal conditions and opportunities as the rest of the group.
Galán-Mañas (2015), in his article seeks to reach a better understanding about which services for students with disabilities are offered by Spanish universities. Their brief states that:
The World Health Organization -in 2001- indicated that disability is a generic term that includes deficits, limitations and restrictions in participation; it indicates the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual (with a "health condition") and his or her contextual factors (environmental and personal factors). The United Nations -in 2006-, in the same line, indicates that persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, -which interact with various barriers- [...] Therefore, disability is a complex phenomenon that reflects an interaction between the characteristics of the human organism and the characteristics of the society in which it lives (p. 89).
For his part, Luque (2006, p. 277), clarifies the concepts of impairment, disability and handicap, identifying "impairment as a loss or abnormality of a structure or function, whether psychological or psychological; disability as a restriction or absence of a capacity; and handicap as a disadvantageous position for an individual produced by an impairment or disability"
How does educational guidance contribute to university students with disabilities?
Pedragosa (2020) states that more and more students with disabilities are entering higher education, but the percentage of those who manage to complete their studies is decreasing. The cause, in the author's opinion, is due to the fact that universities have not been able to install an inclusive policy that goes from the macro to the micro, that is to say, to the heart of the classroom. In addition to the above, there is the logic of "omitted competencies", i.e., the teacher assumes that the student knows certain subjects before entering higher education, which is not always the case. Therefore, it is essential to have a "hic et nunc" guidance system that considers counselors and especially teachers, with a more comprehensive, processual and transversal approach.
López, Moreno and Espada (2020), conducted a study where they analyzed the influence of educational orientation on the choice of careers of 82 students with disabilities who entered the Rey Juan Carlos University, and who are part of its Center for the Care of Persons with Disabilities. First of all, they found that the influence of the high school orientation was weak, because it was dedicated to solving specific issues and not to preparing them for university entrance. Secondly, the authors argue that it is urgent to establish a joint framework between secondary and university education that allows for an adequate transition of students with disabilities in order to make an appropriate career choice and contribute to their career progression. If this congruence is not achieved, dropout is more likely, meaning a cost in time, effort and money, not only for the student, but also for the university itself. Finally, they indicate that the university should be concerned about being an agent for the continuation of the previous studies and cultural heritage of students with disabilities. Associated with this subject Vilà, Pallisera and Fullana (2012), focus their study on students with intellectual disabilities, making a "stark" diagnosis of the legal precariousness and effective psycho-pedagogical guidance work in teaching. Therefore, they propose a Person-Centered Planning (PCP) as an innovative approach that points to new perspectives of support in the socio-educational itinerary at all levels, which considers the uniqueness of each life project.
Flores (2013), in his article analyzes the debates surrounding educational guidance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially in Mexico. In his study, he concludes that the key to guide students in their different conditions is the training of the counselor, that is, to eliminate the dissimilar realities between theory and practice, generating a professional who is able to integrate these dimensions in a contextualized manner. He adds that the pedagogue, the graduate in educational intervention and the psychologist are the closest, but they are not enough to meet the broad profile required for the challenges imposed by guidance in higher education. Profile whose objective will be "to accompany the student in a natural way, through dialogue, experiential techniques, from a humanistic perspective, trying to understand, not to classify, not to prejudge without knowing" (p. 31).
Saúl, López and Bermejo (2009, p. 10) when reviewing the concept of educational, professional and personal guidance, indicate that, "two types of services can be differentiated in the international university panorama: vocational or professional guidance -with information on professional opportunities, job search, such as the British Career Services and, on the other hand, the clinical and therapeutic Psychological Guidance Service, such as Counseling". In both cases, the focus is on the student's entry and exit, neglecting the accompaniment required for a contextualized academic progression, with adaptations that respond to the personal interests of each student.
Sánchez (2017) in his study, where he interviewed university teachers from different countries who met at the University Congress held in Havana in 2016, concludes that for an adequate transition of students who present special situations, such as students with disabilities in higher education, it is necessary to incorporate educational guidance in the pedagogical models, which are part of the Educational Projects of the Institutions. He adds that although there must be a "welfare department", the key is that the orientation is implicit in the work of university teachers. This necessarily requires the preparation of these teachers in this area, since, according to the author, they are not currently prepared. In addition, Rodríguez, Jenaro and Castaño (2022, p. 77) state that "the alternative to the provision of support outside the classroom is to respond to diversity within the classroom, implementing comprehensive support for all students, with specific measures that allow attention to diversity in an equal, equitable and quality manner. Hence the importance of training future teachers in inclusive strategies."
Gonzáles, Alfonso and Rodríguez (2020), in their study evaluated the impact of the professionalization of guidance counselors in the training of university students under the STS (science, technology and society) approach. They emphasize that teachers should ethically professionalize their guidance work and that institutions should include respect for diversity, and thus for people with disabilities, in their curricula, both declared and hidden. They add that STS should be used by professors in their orientation processes, allowing the formation and pertinent academic progression of university students. This professionalization of teachers should be conceived in three important dimensions: "the first is the systematization of theoretical and methodological conceptions related to educational guidance (what to learn); the second is the development of personological resources in this area (how to do); and the third is the professional work in educational guidance (how to integrate learning and educational guidance practices into teaching) (p. 341).
Tenorio and Ramírez (2021) conducted a literature review of various documents on the inclusion of students with disabilities in public universities in Chile. Among their findings, they highlight the progress in legislation, government initiatives and quantitative increase in access to higher education, which is not enough to break down the barriers of exclusion, as demonstrated in two OECD reports that highlight Chile as a country with unequal access to university education, standardized income tests and shortcomings in academic progression programs for students with disabilities, which, according to the authors, is the closest thing to an "exclusionary inclusion".
Discussion and conclusions
Discussions of the evidence detected from the authors' theoretical review will be organized according to the research question and the three specific objectives.
With respect to the concept of educational guidance, we can understand that, although in the university environment there are welfare departments or others that include counselors, psychologists and psychopedagogues, it is clear that the main task falls on the teacher, who must be professionalized in these matters to provide a quality service, attending to diversity, and in this case, to students with disabilities. Having said this, it is necessary to point out that it is not appropriate to assign to the teacher all the responsibility for guidance, because if we understand the concept from a dialectical conception, that is, following Vygotsky, a mediator is required to achieve the zone of proximal development, and, in fact, it is known that a multiplicity of actors is needed for this task. Moreover, if educational guidance is considered as an inter- and transdisciplinary activity, it is necessary that the student, counselor, parents, teachers-tutors, families and the community in general act in it, thus achieving a holistic, comprehensive and critical guidance that considers the context of each learner, their realities, desires, projects and challenges.
In relation to the concept of person with disabilities, the analysis of the results suggests that it is necessary to understand that, regardless of the barriers that are established between their condition and the environment in which they must interact, it is a responsibility of the university to generate the appropriate adjustments to meet the demands of these people who are subjects of absolute rights, therefore they must be able to acquire the most precious of all, as is the right to education, in a healthy environment, free of discrimination and that addresses diversity as a virtue to be exploited and not as a problem to be overcome.
Finally, with regard to the review of the contributions that educational guidance has provided to people with disabilities in their university education, the diagnosis is not flattering, since the authors agree that inclusion policies should not remain a dead letter and should be embodied in the educational project, the pedagogical model, the declared and hidden curriculum, and especially in the work of teachers in the classroom. To the above, they add that it is essential to establish bridges between the educational orientation given in secondary education and university education, thus allowing for a harmonious transition between the educational levels. Finally, the authors show that university guidance focuses on the beginning and end of the educational process, but does not intervene adequately in the formative trajectory, generating a hostile scenario, without adaptations, causing the desertion of students with disabilities, thus limiting the possibility of building their dream of being professionals who contribute to society.
Educational guidance should be understood as a systematic and articulated process at all levels of education. In higher education, teachers must be professionalized in this area, as they play a fundamental role, which must involve the interaction of students, psychologists, counselors, psychopedagogues, families and the community in general.
People with disabilities are subjects of rights, therefore, it is the responsibility of all actors involved, from political-legislative actions to classroom actions, to fully understand inclusive education, deriving the barriers that are established between their condition and the context in which they interact.
In the university context, educational guidance for the progression of students with disabilities is key, not only at the beginning or end of the process as it is currently the case, but also throughout the student's formative process, allowing inclusion policies to be embodied in the institutional educational project, welfare programs, graduation profiles, curricula, subject programs, and especially in the classroom, where the teacher makes the relevant methodological and didactic adaptations that allow people with disabilities to make use of the opportunities offered to them, the graduation profiles, curricula, subject programs, and especially in the classroom, where teachers make the pertinent methodological and didactic adaptations that allow people with disabilities to make use of one of their most fundamental rights, which is to be educated appropriately and to be properly inserted in the labor market.
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