Perception of educational inclusion and communicative barriers from the experience of deaf students of schools at Sincelejo city in Sucre, Colombia


This article has as purpose of study the perception of inclusion that students with hearing disabilities have who are registered in the municipality of Sincelejo, Sucre, Colombia according to the registering system SIMAT. Having in mind the purpose of study, the type of research design is qualitative, exploratory, non-experimental. It is an exploratory study because it examines a little studied topic and looks for the comprehension of it; non-experimental because the subjects under study (deaf students) already belonged to the identified group who were inquired about the perception of inclusion in their natural context to analyze after this without manipulating variables. Because of the mentioned type of research, it was decided to design and apply data collecting techniques as interviews and LIKERT-type closed question questionnaires, as well as the literature revision related with deafness, inclusion and education in school students with hearing disability. Once collected the information, an statistic analysis was performed and the policy of inclusion was formulated with its respective actors, indicators, among others. Finally, the conclusions and respective recommendations were consolidated to implement in a successful way the inclusive education policy.

Keywords: Communicative barrier, deaf, deafness, inclusion, perception

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How to Cite

De Hoyos Benítez, S. (2023). Perception of educational inclusion and communicative barriers from the experience of deaf students of schools at Sincelejo city in Sucre, Colombia. MLS Inclusion and Society Journal, 3(2).


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