El derecho a la ciudad y el desarrollo en Ecuador


Currently, the right to the city is mentioned in various documents, and Ecuador is no exception. For this reason, the right to the city must be synchronized with the long-awaited development that leads to good living. A right to a human, social city without neglecting the economic and environmental aspects and other aspects that arise regarding sustainable urban growth. The present research work, in the introduction, mainly sets out legal and conceptual aspect. Currently, the right to the city is mentioned in various documents, and Ecuador is no exception. For this reason, the right to the city must be synchronized with the long-awaited development that leads to good living. A right to a human, social city without neglecting the economic and environmental aspects and other aspects that arise regarding sustainable urban growth. The present research work, in the introduction, mainly sets out legal and conceptual aspects between the right to the city and development, where territorial actors who are also called local development agents have a very visible importance. Then, regarding the methodology, a study of a legal nature is proposed, with a qualitative approach, of the non-experimental type, based on the socio-legal method and through the documentary, bibliographic and legislative review that constitutes the instrument of the present investigation. Subsequently, in reference to the results, the most relevant, evidence that, if there is legislation and concepts that refer to the right to the city from the constitutionality and the organic law mainly, however, it evolves with limitations. Another factor that is also found corresponds to the actors or territorial agents of local development, with the responsibility for contributing to the long-awaited right to the city and human development. Finally, the discussion and conclusion do not correspond to a static process, but rather, dynamic, which, through this document, allows opening a field for future research work framed in the doctrines of local development, presenting a causal relationship between the right to the city and development.

Keywords: City, development, law, Ecuador, actors

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How to Cite

Hinojosa Silva, H. (2022). El derecho a la ciudad y el desarrollo en Ecuador. MLS Law and International Politics, 1(1). Retrieved from https://www.mlsjournals.com/MLS-Law-International-Politics/article/view/1314


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