Gender violence in Mexico and the insufficient legislation and government actions focused on combating it


It can be said that gender violence refers to any action intended to cause harm to an individual based on their gender. This type of inequality arises from harmful conventions, the abusive exercise of authority, and discrepancies in gender distribution. Gender inequality represents a flagrant violation of the fundamental rights of the human being; at the same time, it becomes a welfare and protection dilemma that threatens integrity. It is estimated that one in three females will face some type of physical or sexual assault during their life cycle. When they find themselves in situations of emergency and displacement, the chances that women and girls will be victims of gender inequality increase significantly. The problem of violence against women, derived from its underestimation in the social and cultural context, raises concerns both nationally and internationally. Although measures have been implemented to save their rights and alter social perception, the progress achieved in 2012 with the criminalization of feminicide is only an initial step. Government actions and court regulations are not enough; a profound transformation is required in the culture rooted in our society, particularly the influence of patriarchy, which is especially prevalent in the Latino region. Mexico has alarming rates of feminicides largely due to this ideology that promotes male superiority and that underlies gender-based violent acts directed towards women. Considerable progress has been made in recognizing the existence of gender-based violence by classifying feminicide as a specific crime. Through disclosure to combat it, it has moved out of the private sphere and has become a problem of public interest. It has evolved to be a matter subject to legal regulation and is one of the main concerns nationally.


Keywords: Violence, Gender, Women, Feminicide, México

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How to Cite

Chargoy Amador, J. (2024). Gender violence in Mexico and the insufficient legislation and government actions focused on combating it. MLS Law and International Politics, 3(1).


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